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AllthatJazz's Posts

Exactly what happened here today?

Are investors in a company supposed to know what is going on with that company?

over 9 years ago
Re: Frankly Chat

We will see if Beacons involvement in both companies leads to something positive for us. If Frankly does become as successful as the ceo thinks it will be, perhaps they will buy SPY. It would be nice if the company just came out and stated it's path going forward rather than investors having to guess what the direction will be. Right now they seem headed in ten different directions hoping one turns out to be a good move.

over 9 years ago
Frankly Chat

Frankly seemed to be doing very well as a private scilicon valley start up. They had success raising money and their decision to go public via the TSX amid no fanfare is a curious one. The "partnership ?" with SPY to co-develope ephemeral coupons sounded interesting. Have not heard anything about it since. The insider buying is compelling. What the story is at Keek, I have no idea. Wish there was no connection.

over 9 years ago
Re: What the....?

OK. Who would buy Sprylogics? Why? and for how much?

over 9 years ago
Re: What the....?

Another 22 grand yesterday. You might want to re-take a small position. That is alot of buying relative to market cap. Why would he risk so much?

over 9 years ago
What the....?

about $75,000 this month alone

another $60,000 or so in December

another $60,000 or so in August and September

That's nuts. There is nothing that we know of that could possibly justify investing that much money in SPY shares.

over 9 years ago
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