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On February 27, 2012, Legend International Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company") was advised by Dr Awasthi of his resignation as a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, effective immediately.

Mr. Manish Gupta, a director of IFFCO remains as a director of the Company and advises that IFFCO is still fully commitment to Legend.

just thought i would mention it for those who didnt know

over 12 years ago
Re: The Silence is Deafening

Hey Everyone

happy new year to you all

Just got back from my holiday the other day

imo i think its about time from next wednesday (thats when ill have some loose change) i will start/continue to accumulate

good luck to everyone and fingers crossed we can get this project of the ground very soon

Stgecoach got a question for you why would you put your life savings into one stock where there was nothing deffinitive........ very silly imho if you couldnt handle holding the stock or watching it drop you should of sold out it is that simple im not defending Legend or anyone else but this is not the first company nor will it be the last to drop like this

people panic and sell, people in the know buy and reap the rewards

the money ive invested in the stock is a risk if i loose it all so be it but at these levels not much more to loose

anyway just my opinion

good luck once again

over 12 years ago
Re: Wishing all of my Agoracom Colleagues a Happy New Year

Thank you pk
And hope this year hashem will look down on us and bring us lots of nahas and take this project where it's suppose to be :)

almost 13 years ago
My 2c

I really don't like posting much reason is I don't like wasting peoples time with useless info but when I do post I hope it's usefull

This is the way I see it
In my opinion only there are "equity partners" of that's what you want to call them lining up only the big boys who want and need this stuff wouldn't be surprised if there are governments involved or controlling what is about to happen
BUT they will all come with a huge list of conditions and/or demands/ concerns on how this will work
These guys arnt interested in diamonds, gold or whatever else we might have, they are only interested in our phosphate. This is why this is dragging out

This deal will Only happen once we receive all our approval for the building of the plant and anything else we are waiting for ( I don't think it will happen before Christmas only my opinion)
Then only after we do receive grants/approval there will be more drilling to determine how much more phosphate we have on the other granted sites which will bump up the value even more,
After that the company should/probably split and spin Off the shares to split the company up
Then once all that has been completed contracts will/probably be signed and we should see some action
With phosphate in demand and prices rising it will be a train with no stops
This is the way I see it and only my opinion please do your own research and goodluck
Like many of you I have been in this stock for a while probably longer then most of you and I'm not selling this puppy till hopefully this grows into a monster
Hope this info is useful and not useless

about 13 years ago
Re: Is anybody following NAD?

NAD closed 48c up 12.5c 35.2% on very thin volume of 178k

about 13 years ago
Re: My Observation


with the size and scope of the project and the work they have done and doing that 2.3 mil that you mentioned is just a drop in the ocean

we are talking about a possible 1 billion dollar company maybe more if we get this 0ff the ground

about 13 years ago
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