Al-Stayedin's Profile

Al-Stayedin's Posts

Re: I sent this to "Computerworld Magazine" and you all should be

That is exactly what I am talking about!

If every pro PTSC persons on forums did this and send them to News stations around the US instead of bickering and complaining we the shareholder might accomplish what the BOD ca not do because of the legal system.

What if we could get future jurors on our side? Or sway the mind of the evil ALJ?

Because of the coverage PTSC would be getting?

almost 11 years ago
Re: For Those Who Advocate PR's...I beg to differ my good man...

Exactly, in my past lifetimes i used to mention this, but it was often ignored.

We do not just need news to keep us happy, we need news to let the world know of this outrage of patent theft.

I feel that PTSC should some how some way, let the world know of the injustice at the ITC.

almost 11 years ago
PTSC Would make a great James Bond type of Movie

The story, the hidden details that we do not know about, what if there were assasiantion attempts, corporate spying, PTSC Dan Leckron Drama, threats to Fish? etc.

This would certainlly one day make a great movie.

IMHO Otteson needs to expose the corruption to the News Media concerning the ALJ!

almost 11 years ago
Re: ITC: Complainants Petition for Review of Initial Determination.....

THE ALJ was on Cleary on the "Take", is what Otteson should have also noted.

almost 11 years ago

Agility must be "pist off" of that, they took that in on contingency, and they did not rake in much money on $960,000.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Going after the remaining companies in the NDoC without the ITC

I think its better to twist the infringers arm at the ITC first, lets just say that the ITC declares that the Patent Thieves do in fact infringe after careful reconsideration of all the fact presented including the wind at the NDOC:

1. Inunctions get placed on HTC and the other patent thieves

2. HTC and brotherly patent thieves want to settle because its cheaper to settle than to lose billions a day on loss of sales.

3. Except that Agility no longer accepts low settlements, since the cost of litigation for HTC was in excess of $100,000,000, why not settle for $100,000,00 per license (I mean its chump change to HTC right?).

4. What if they settle for $50 Million? GREAT!!!

Now we have a better figure to go and sue the other patent thieves at the NDOC where we can prove that the patent value is much more than what the previous Jury Awarded.

That would be a game changer IMO and that is what Agility is hoping to accomplish.

almost 11 years ago
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