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Numerous Power Outages

Numerous Power Outages would seem like "material events," that should trigger informing investors in a timely manner, imo.

about 14 years ago
Re: Oil Price escallating

"Connacher is profitable @$45 "

I'm confused. On page 11, of the Spring 2009 Investor Presentation:

"Full Year Operating Cost $15-$18/bbl (at current gas prices)"

Please help me understand the different pricing.

over 15 years ago
$1.00 US-CLLZF

Due to the US & Canadian Dollar, Exchange Rate, I will not be surprised if the new shares will be issued at $1.00 US. CLLZF closed at $1.00 US and factors in the exchange rate.

Of course, I could be wrong.

over 15 years ago
Asphalt Operations - NuStar Energy Results

This could indicate the future inpact of CLL's asphalt operations.

I edited out most non asphalt infomation.

SAN ANTONIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NuStar Energy L.P. (NYSE:NS - News) today announced net income applicable to limited partners of $1.6 million, or $0.58 per unit, for the first quarter of 2009, which is better than the $0.25 to $0.50 per unit guidance previously communicated and higher than analysts’ estimates. These results compare to $49.6 million, or $1.01 per unit, earned in the first quarter of 2008.

“However, a year-over-year quarterly comparison is largely meaningless as NuStar’s business changed dramatically with its acquisition of the former CITGO asphalt refining and marketing operations near the end of the first quarter of 2008,” said Curt Anastasio, Chief Executive Officer and President of NuStar Energy L.P. and NuStar GP Holdings, LLC. “Because of the inherent seasonality of the asphalt business, our first quarter 2009 results are burdened with all of the additional cost and expense of that operation while the vast majority of the financial benefit will be generated during the second and third quarters. The important takeaway for our unitholders is that the financial results of our transportation and storage segments during the first quarter of 2009 were actually better than last year. And, for the full year 2009, the asphalt operations are expected to provide an even bigger boost to earnings and cash flow than they did in 2008.

“We are pleased with our first quarter results, and very excited about NuStar’s future as our company is well-positioned for a record year in 2009,” said Anastasio. “There are not many companies out there right now that can say they are targeting record earnings and distribution increases at a time like this.”...

“NuStar Energy L.P. delivered first quarter 2009 earnings results that were not only better than our estimates but also higher than analysts’ projections,” said Anastasio. “These results are particularly impressive considering that the first quarter was marked by refinery turnarounds, a weak economy, poor weather and the typical seasonality of our asphalt operations. When you consider the challenging business conditions we experienced, I am especially pleased with how our segments performed. Our transportation and storage segments produced higher results compared to expectations and the first quarter of 2008 despite lower throughputs, and the results from our asphalt operations were above expectations. Higher asphalt margins and sales volumes, renewals of lease contracts at higher rates due to strong demand for storage at key terminals, the conversion of some throughput based contracts to lease based contracts and lower operating expenses primarily due to reduced power and maintenance costs allowed us to perform better than anticipated...

“We’re really excited about the potential for our asphalt operations in 2009, as we expect fundamentals to be even more favorable this year. Asphalt supply is already starting off the year at low levels as U.S. asphalt inventories are below the five-year average. We expect asphalt markets to become even tighter in 2009 as low refinery utilization rates are expected to result in less asphalt production. With respect to asphalt demand, the American Recovery and Revitalization Act, which provides approximately $29 billion for transportation infrastructure investments, should result in slightly higher demand in 2009 over 2008. As a result, we expect a higher margin per barrel and slightly higher sales volumes in 2009, assuming the impact from the stimulus package starts up in late 2009. Over the life of the stimulus package, spending alone is expected to increase asphalt demand by more than 10 percent between 2009 and 2011 over 2008 levels. In addition, more than 25 percent of the $29 billion is expected to be allocated to the markets that we serve. Longer term, a combination of low refinery utilization rates, an improving economy, lack of asphalt imports and coker projects coming online should result in tighter asphalt markets and better-than-historic margins over the next several years.

“Looking ahead to the second quarter of 2009, we are currently projecting earnings to be in the range of $0.80 to $1.20 per unit, which would be a record for the second quarter. The majority of the projected increase in earnings in the second quarter is expected to come from much stronger asphalt results as we enter the start of the paving season,” said Anastasio...

NuStar Energy L.P. is a publicly traded, limited partnership based in San Antonio, with 8,491 miles of pipeline, 82 terminal facilities, four crude oil storage tank facilities and two asphalt refineries with a combined throughput capacity of 104,000 barrels per day. One of the largest asphalt refiners and marketers in the U.S. and the second largest independent liquids terminal operator in the nation, NuStar has operations in the United States, the Netherlands Antilles, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The partnership’s combined system has over 91 million barrels of storage capacity, and includes two asphalt refineries, crude oil and refined product pipelines, refined product terminals, a petroleum and specialty liquids storage and terminaling business, as well as crude oil storage facilities. For more information, visit NuStar Energy L.P.'s Web site at

over 15 years ago
"A Short Seller's Rational For Not Covering" by Jim Sinclair

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I think Jim Sinclair's "A Short Seller's Rational For Not Covering," is as good an explaination as any. It may apply to CLL.

"The plan of the organized shorts is not to re-buy their short positions back in the marketplace but rather to by preventing the companies from normal financing do the following:

1. Force by necessity the company to do participation financing on predatory terms on extremely exciting properties.

2. Force the company by necessity to do private placements with warrants and options that favored the private placee to the degree of dilution to the present stockholder that is egregious.

3. Force by necessity the company to accept loans terms based on their property sure to result because of short timeline in the failure on the note and title on the property to pass to the hands of the private loan note placement party.

This explains the enigma of no cover.

The strategy of defense has been to determine any and all other means of financing rather than the normal chain of broker dealer networks now making more money from the perpetrators than the operating companies."

over 15 years ago
OT: Sharky, Did You Mention CCR?

CCR Revisited In Concert, October, 2008. Daylight photo of the concert location below....

Ground Breaking Ceremony for Cabo Rivera, Baja California, Mexico.

A couple of friends are building a marina, golf course, two hotels and developing home sites north of Cabo San Lucus. CCR Revisited played all your favorites. "Best Beach Party Ever."

over 15 years ago
San Antonio, Texas
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