Abel00's Profile

Abel00's Posts


I'm missing your point, can you explain the parallels between the Poet/Denselight strategy and Acacia's discounting of products? 

almost 8 years ago
Re: 70/28.5

No one owes you a defence for the share price. If you have DD backing up your theories then fine, but your incessant ramblings are of no use.

Yes it sucks we get it, and you know what I'm scared it will go lower as well. We're all aware of that, it's part of investing. We don't need to hear your opinion everyday, no one cares.

almost 8 years ago
Re: 70/28.5

Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut up.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Pity party

I wouldn't go that far, I think we can all express some grief on this forum and it's healthy to a certain extent. Hell, this forum has basically been a 5 year therapy session for most.. But trying to gain pity by bashing others or thinking you deserve more pity than someone else is over the line. Please have some respect for each other, we're all in the same boat.

almost 8 years ago
Re: November 28

He does too bud. I do too. Most of us here do. Put that in perspective. Stop the pitty party.

almost 8 years ago
Re: November 28

Considering that Mazan probably has around 20 times what you have invested and a pretty shitty average compared to what the share price is at the moment, you have no right in saying he has less risk because of these warrants, not that you would know that, but please stop the victim pitty party by fouling Mazan. We're all in the same boat, Mazan just went deeper under water to try and save himself and you in the process.

almost 8 years ago
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