ASTACON's Profile



When I recieved my green number from the bank they also gave me my white number. I noticed the white number they gave me over the phone did not match my white number that came in the mail. It has been bothering me ever since so just now I went to and entered both white numbers to see what happens. Both numbers bring up the current management. This does not sit well with me it makes me think maybe Lori and the thugs she hired are up to something. WHY would there be 2 white numbers for my account? I would encourage everyone else to call their brokers and ask for their white proxy number and see if it matches the one you recieved in the mail. If several of us have 2 numbers and they both work then I would suggest recording both numbers in case we need them later...If you know what I mean

almost 12 years ago

I will keep both numbers for future reference in case we need them. Just helped 500K shares vote GREEN this morning

almost 12 years ago

This morning I got my green # and voted. I also asked for my white number and it did not match my white number I recieved in the mail...strange

The guy had no explanation why the 2 white numbers did not match.

He told me they were busy getting green numbers to customers I told him the green numbers mean we are going to fire the current management. He started laughing...that felt good

almost 12 years ago
Re: New News

Kemo it appears you may know Don Ronning...what can you tell us about him ?

over 12 years ago

how do I put him on ignore ? anyone know ?

almost 13 years ago
Re: Any investors in the Okanagan Valley in BC?

me and a friend will be there if meeting is set up

about 13 years ago
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