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AGM specialist's Posts

Re: Answer His Question Sculpin

Hi, What I and many investors would like to know. What is the objective, to get the stock back trading raise money and drill the properties to the potential benefit of the shareholders? IMO. Or to beat a dead H"""E. What is your objective here? It was and is a junior mining exploration company , with a credible management and geological team that has been in place for over 15 years !. The company IMO , raised capital and hired top people in the Biz to do the work( and you know who the names are ) and they raised the capital to do the work , put money in the ground , potentialy increasing shareholder value , and gave it an honest shot. Inital results IMO were great and were followed up and the company executed on it's plan and hit narrow veins. That is what is called mining exploration , and if anyone thinks IMO there was some hidden agenda, You are wrong. Lori had results , management published them , not fabricated, annouced , the company raised money and put it into the ground and they missed " hit narrow veins ". IMO , Rick it is the stock market. If you think for one second that everyone on management, the company , the brokerage firms , the regulators , the lawyers, ect. had a hidden agenda. You are wrong. Everyone IMO management including the shareholders beleived that this project had great merrit and may still have a huge potential. Mother nature and Powers above make it, not maps and figures and hype . It is not easy to find a deposit as I am sure you are aware of. To put the blame and play that game is childish in my opinion ( as you and many have mentioned " look at the facts , yes all the grades and indicators are there , yes results, geophysics, anomalies ect are there, " but you have to drill, and the company did , they raised the money and through all what " you call promotion " put money in the ground and hit narrow veins . period " If you think they raise money and spend it in the ground on purpose to try and miss a target . ( you are wrong IMO ) "St Elias is a junior mining exploration company which management did a heck of a job assembleing a great portfolio of properties ,raised capital , put money in the ground, increased shareholder value, and gave potential investors and shareholders a great junior mining expolration shot. They missed. That is mining exploration, If the dissidents and all this other legal BS did not happen maybe the company would have had the opportunity to raise capital and be back drilling potential targets. All In My Humble Opinion. Have you looked in the mirror before you place blame. It is sometimes easier to throw stones out of spite than to think. IMO, I hope everyone has a great summer. It is called the stock market, no one told you, you have to buy stock and no one told you , you can not sell stock . That is capitalism , Democracy, Free will and the the stock market, and if you are not in favor, tell me what makes sense IMO Good Night.

about 10 years ago
Re: Chance E

Why Do you, or for that matter not email or phone the company. 604-669-4677 and ask what is up. Or phone the exchange , or Lori , or anyone, I would be interested in the respone. I have read the news and did my dd and made up my own investment descions after consulting my investment advisor and various other sources.Thank you as a shareholder. Time is to short, it should be constructive, spent on positive things and moving forward. I am almost embaressed by some of the comments on this board. It is supposed to be informative and constructive, if we have a problem with management and the company , voice it with facts not twisted versions of them . Please no individual attacks against people you may or may not know. To stoop to that level is distrubing. Thank you Rick for bringing this forum, whatever is left of it back to professionalism and proper. Have a great weekend and Happy Canada Day all.

about 10 years ago
Re: The opportunity to share was there....

Rick , as I recall , as Toyota always said " You ask for it you got it ".

about 10 years ago
Re: SLI NEWS: Puts Properties Up For Sale

I have phoned the office numerous times and if no one has answered I have always had a return phone call. Cathy who I have talked with several times at the office is quite pleasant, So MR/ MRS , I disagree with your comment and I know numerous other shareholders which will back up my statement. IMHO

over 10 years ago
Re: SLI NEWS: Puts Properties Up For Sale

Hi Rick , no you did not ban me several weeks ago. I did not mean to have the post perceived as negative and if it was construed that way I apologize. I simply reposted the heading as was on the news wire service Stockwatch where I read the news release.

Thank You

over 10 years ago
Re: SLI NEWS: Puts Properties Up For Sale

It seems to me re The news release today now is your chance. Management is keeping the private placement open and accepting subscription aggreements. You can call Cathy Forhane or Lori McClenahan at the company 604-669-4677. Also if you are worried about the potential buyer(s ) for the Tesoro and the companies other properties why not submit a purchase proposal to Kulwant Sandher as stated in the news release. It seems pretty Black and White to me.

over 10 years ago
AGM specialist
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