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Re: Massive sulphides ENRICHED with silver,copper and tungsten

We get it. Why you keep posting this old news is beyond me. Nobody cares anymore. There is no new investors that need to be brought up to speed. Nobody needs to be reminded of what we all believe may be in the ground. We all believe she covered it up, whether we are right or wrong. Honestly Sculpin, you are losing serious credibility with your constant barrege of pointless posts about how your proving what's in the ground. It makes you seem like a nut job if I can be frank about it.

Mimi, I agree 100%. I think instead of wasting energy on the past, we should find a way to move forward. The 2014 AGM will be the last kick at the can so to say. Is there anybody willing to lead the last charge? I would love to have a voice step forward and give this a go. Is the green team still around? Murray?

almost 10 years ago
Re: Your help please.

What truth are you talking about buck? Is everything not on the table? That's what your all missing, everybody has been through everything and nothing has been done. Does that not say something to you? You all keep refering to this big change coming, and we have turned the corner lol! What corner? What more 'truth' has to come out? It's ALL out there! For everybody who wants to see it, they just have to look. The RCMP have looked, the securities have looked, we hired lawyers to look, the media has looked, and NOBODY has done anything! So why do you all continue to sit here and whine about stockhouse, poster's that 'bash'you and all the what could have been's.

What are you doing to get this company back on it's feet?

about 10 years ago
Re: Your help please.

The same topic's are continually brought up. I asked before and will ask again. What is being done to save SLI? If your hoping for change in the markets, it's not happening. So as shareholders what are you all ( and I refer to everyone regularly posting on this board) doing about getting SLI on it's feet and in to the right hands? Are we all just gonna sit here and whine about what should have been? How Lori never released the info she promised? yada yada yada... Most of you sit here and whine and bitch about everything under the sun regarding the past and how screwed over you were. It does nothing. You continually isolate yourself from those still holding a glimer of hope by oozing all this negative energy. Nobody but the 10-15 regulars on this board want to take part anymore because of the way you have all handled this forum site.

So has this board simply become a shoulder to cry on or are we doing something to get the company on it's feet?

about 10 years ago
Re: How about something new?

Thanks for the response Rick. That's why I'm in limbo and asking if anything behind the scenes is being moved forward. On one side you seemingly have a pile of information that points to corruption and wrong doing ( most of which I believe myself). Then on the other side you have the securities, gov, RCMP, which seem to have done nothing with access to this information. So do you believe a strong group of shareholders or do you believe that the authorities on all levels have done their jobs and have found nothing wrong?

No doubt the levels of corruption in this world are deep beyond measure, but it's hard to see this gaining any ground if it hasn't already. It would seem now would be the time to have a group step forward and try to out Lori, but will anybody?

about 10 years ago
Re: How about something new?

I agree 100% Mrscramer. Very good question. Big red flag. Or perhaps some validation to what most believe. That there is indeed some gold. Im not a pro, but even I can see thatthere should be gold on the property.

about 10 years ago
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