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Re: Size does count

Jurek wrote:

"Several times I brought to this board attention CLL problems which turn out to be correct and if taken seriously would save you money and frustration."

I have done very well with CLL and wish all longs the best. That said, you have consistantly shared your opinions openly and succinctly. I must say, I didn't always like what you posted and wanted to think you were a short or had ulterior motives for your mostly negative feelings toward CLL. Please accept my thanks for being honest and gracing us with your knowledge of the inner workings of this business.

In short *You* saved me a ton of money! Thank you! I sold out in April and bought GTE and VST with the funds; in short, it has been a life changer for me as both have more than doubled since, while CLL stayed flat at best.

I was a believer in DG but after witnessing his recent decisions, I think Brian is right; DG is all about DG and the shareholders are second class citizens.

I hope to get back in as I feel long term (3-5 yrs.) this is a $10+ stock.

Wishing all longs the very best of health and happiness! 9baller

almost 15 years ago
Re: Day of consolidation

freedom56, Especially nice to finish on the day's high!

I don't know how to keep calm this weekend being that the market is closed...maybe I'll go to the casino! lol

This baby is gonna pay off my mortgage when it hits $6!

Miller Time!!!

Best wishes,


over 15 years ago
Re: Connacher and longs

Rebels1, after the way the sp has reacted since the latest news, I may be re-loading very soon!

Best wishes, 9baller

over 15 years ago
Re: Connacher and longs

believe, I don't think Mike Schaffer (the other oracle from Omaha, lol) can be found anywhere...he dosn't want to be!

I found CLL and UTS through Mike S. and did quite well with both, however, if I held both til now, I'd be suffering! Mike pumped the hell out of Grand Tierra ("GTE") about 3 years ago and I got sucked into 12,000 shares @ around 3.50 and ended up selling at a huge loss for about $1.20...ouch! BUT, GTE has now evolved into a totally different and incredibly strong company with HUGE upside with zero debt and fantastic Columbian and Peruvian properties. Do yourself a favor and check them out. As I said, I'm still long CLL and will add to my position when I see some mitigation in the volitility.

I wish you the best! 9baller

over 15 years ago
Re: Connacher and longs

Rebels1, Sorry, I should have clarified I trade in the US with 'CLLZF' whcih did trade for quite awhile in Feb and March in the .50 to .60 range. I was able to sell quite a few in the 1.20 area but mostly a little lower.

What I did do is bet the farm on GTE on April 20th after much DD.

Best wishes and I hope CLL (CLLZF) reach the moon in 2014 or sooner!


over 15 years ago
Re: Connacher and longs

Nick, I saved myself alot of misery since April 20th by selling about 90% of CLL after buying 143k shares in Feb. March between .53 and .55; in retrospect, it was the right move! I was and am very empathetic with most posters that are literally sick to their stomachs by the recent sp moves. Although I made a nice profit, I'm still down a considerable amount from a few small cap energy companies that went belly up due to the credit crunch (Stormcat energy and Torrent energy cost me huge...both were Mike Schaffer picks).

I feel your pain! I tripled down on GTE (Grand Teirra Energy) and MAN DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO RIDE A COMPANY WITH ZERO DEBT, PUMPING 15K BOE/D, MAKES NETBACKS OF $20 ON $40 OIL AND 150M IN CASH IN THE BANK!!! Check it out..it's taking off to a triple within a year...I don't need my tums anymore and don't dread CLL's latest news release! Sorry Dick.

I still own 20k shares of CLL and believe it will come back a few years down the line...but, there are much better choices out there now...we all should be making money in Oil now, not sweating our asses off to stay afloat. I wish you and all here the very best and I apologize for my ranting. 9baller

P.S. I first bought CLL about 3 years ago for about $3 and sold for about $4 so CLL has been good to me over all, I just can't believe as Brian and others have stated the disregard for current share holders...long term holders, no problem...I will buy back if we dip to the 60's. Best wishes to all

over 15 years ago
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