99921's Profile

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Share Offering

AUM has announce a plan to sell shares on an At-The -Market basis.


over 7 years ago
Property Update

AUM has issued a property update:





almost 8 years ago
Re: Video: The last line in the sand for gold – 1275

Thanks gwr. I hope the price reaches a level that will allow AUM to resume operations.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Video: The last line in the sand for gold – 1275

Hi gwr:

The message here seems to be that the gold price will move slightly higher over the next several months and then will decline sharply late in 2017 and beyond. Am I correct here? If so it doesn't sound good for companies like AUM that have been shut down for years because they can't make money at the present price levels for the PM's.

Another thought is that forecasting of this nature has become almost impossible given the geopolitical and economic uncertainties in the world. Other forecasters we have been reading have been telling us that the worldwide economic conditions almost guarantee that the gold price is headed to incredible heights like $10,000/oz.

Pity the poor small investor which would include yours truly.

almost 8 years ago
Wells Fargo

Elizabeth Warren confronts CEO John Stumpf in a hearing today. Pretty strong stuff. She calls for jailing of senior bank executives as the only way to change the system.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Wells Fargo fires 5,300 employees

Hi Major:

I understand that this has been an ongoing story for some time.The thing that amazes me is that it would seem that people get a regular statement from banks like Wells but either they don't look at it or they see obvious discrepancies and just ignore them. How could thousands of accounts be manipulated to this extent without at least hundreds of customers calling the bank to enquire about what was going on with their money? The mind boggles.


about 8 years ago
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