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3rd helpings's Posts


just got a call from my reps assistant and was instructed to send her a email to give her permission to send in my vote for the green proxy???? any thoughts on that one, anybody.

almost 12 years ago
its not easy being green

just got off the phone with canaccord and the rep never heard of control #s but did say that in his opinion a certain lady should be making liciense plates and he would get back to me today

almost 12 years ago
with sadness

I do not post often here but it is with a heavy heart I wanted to share the passing of Mr Norm MacKinnon , former CFO of SLI..... you got me involved as a shareholder and I have enjoyed the ride from the start. R.I.P. Norm as so many you believed in this company and many of us will continue to do so.

over 12 years ago

I believe your right Sculpin so I bought another 12000 shares today ... got to get my shades on our future is looking bright..

3rd helpings

over 13 years ago
Re: happy chinese new year

looks like the first rocket lit was gold, the year of the rabbit eh!! may SLI multiply

over 13 years ago
Re: b/s

be careful for what you wish for! as i read the posts this morning i felt that i have learned a few things on peru and the civil problems that plaque the country. thanks primed....i do think this post was well presented as asked by the leaders on this forum ;with that being said if a post has a negative overtone it does not mean it should not be left for all to read....knowledge is power! THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN A DUMB INVESTOR IS A UNINFORMED DUMB INVESTOR...and sculpin it is your position to delete posts as you see fit but to deny information to your follow shareholder ? well lets just say we are in it together till we decide other wise and i hope the future brings us all peace, balance and understanding of ourselves and each other!!!!

log on sli

3rd helpings

over 13 years ago
3rd helpings
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