2Biezz's Profile

2Biezz's Posts


And maybe the blood glucose monitoring devise of BB fit's in the healthcare program of Rennova? I know...theres no approval of FDA...yet, so its a long shot...

almost 8 years ago
Number of Data centers

Iknow that alot of peoples are confused about the numbers that Poet used to calculate the savings for data centers by using the cables of Poet, including me. But trying to figure it out, I learned that there are 8,6 Million of datacenters arround the world!!? That are alot of cables... If Poet just can provide a fraction of these DC's with cables, they will do just fine :O)


about 8 years ago
Re: AGM Color

Schnauser, a big thx for your post! For many People this was a post very well needed! I am in poet for 3 years now, and thx to People like FJ, Rainer and honestly post like yours that i am still a confident sharehoulder!

about 8 years ago
Re: Acclerating time to product


But Why would BB and DL sell there company for only shares of PTK, if the tech of Poet isn't that promising? I can't believe that the managment of BB and DL sell there company if they don't "see the light" with Poet!

over 8 years ago
Re: Acclerating time to product

vcselrev.:"this is one element why I think we may be in for a long wait for POET tech. It seems they are moving away from it or at least pushing it way back."

Tell that to the people of DL and BB, who got shares of Poet for there company, and shares only! This makes no sense, this is absurd...

over 8 years ago
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