2B40 forever's Profile

2B40 forever's Posts

Re: My thoughts

I feel for you Buddy!!

over 11 years ago

Not what I want but lets say we get $1/share then every year for the next 4 years we get .25 the .50 then .75 back to $1 and something thereafter . Just dreaming but that would raise the stock price in a real hurry! Some kind of deal must be cooking just trying to be creative in these hard times.

over 11 years ago
30 years ago

Well, I remember a place called tumbler ridge where Teck Corp and Denison Mines had a hand in building over 300km
Of road, some bridges and i think a tunnel or two. This was for a large coal deposit and they will do this again for a long term resource. They know what they are doing and are making sure they can sell this bill of goods to thier investors.
Be patient and wait. JMHO

over 11 years ago


The 120 day clock is barely relevent. Personally there have been in talks since the tetra tech fiasco last spring. These kinds of deals take a very long time ( look at how long it took for the viterra deal to make it to the public ). This. Whole thing has been smoke and mirrors because all this stalling is for hammering out a deal acceptable to both partys. Think about drills on drills off last summer Teck probably said we know whats there and we are not paying for more drilling. We have been drilling up this property for 50 years. The deal is being worked on to probably have CF continue to work the lands not included in the agreement. The market needs this resourse and everything is waiting for enviro permits which the rules changed part way through the process. I don' think they can drag this out until 3rd quarter this year and
Teck has to take a leap of faith and explin to thier shareholders that this is a great asset. The markets are just plain bad now and who knows the venture may implode. Once we know whats being done we should look into getting listed on the TSX. Just putting it out there with all the other speculations. 2b40

over 11 years ago
The real question is:

Did Elmer go to Mexico for his holiday??
Maybe stayed at an EE resort?

Time will tell, have faith because there is nothing else

over 11 years ago
Re: Just spoke to Lynn - 4pm


It's not a negative number but given the scope of this project and the infrastucture needed for the Triangle 8% sounds good to me. Safe mining district and future of this area is a big plus in my books. Fifty years of work here will not be wasted.

almost 12 years ago
2B40 forever
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