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Re: obamanomics

this guy is/may be a bigger baffoon than carter. How bout' that jobs bill? Hey baffoon! who's going to pay for it?

Everything from the tax payer........right obama..........?

I've had gut full of this clown

liberial = mental disorder

about 13 years ago
Guantanamo Bay

What happened to all the wild eyed screamers about Guantanamo Bay?

Soooo...........now that the first half white guy is in office it's just fine, no problems, keep the ragheads locked up............now it's O.K.

The five years olds...................always good for a laugh.

I am seeing bumper stickers for obama 2012. What............. they need to prove beyond reason they are stupid.

I will never understand the human race............or obama supporters

about 13 years ago
Life is funny

I notice that obama makes a speech and hundreds cheer for him. Let us assume that out of the group that fifty percent pay Federal taxes, the others...............get free cheese.

The true tax payers that are cheering for a guy that will give everyone nationized health care and they will be paying for it.

Cheering that they will pay more taxes............and some say that liberalism is not a mental disorder?..............really?

I is shocking how dumb people are........................

about 13 years ago
Re: Tea Party screams "Why Doesn't The Federal Govt Do More?"

Well..............at least we all know Perry's school records.

about 13 years ago
Re: Bible-thumpers unite!

I can't imagine anyone paying for a child to attend college where Krugman teaches.

Imagine the mush brained kid coming home spouting the crap that comes out of Krugmans pie hole.

By the way.............man made gobal warming is a man made lie.

These fools couldn't get the east coast correct twenty four hours before the hurricane hit......

but, they can tell us what is going to happen in fifty to eighty years? fools all............

new york times................

fish wrap written by Nancy Boys and crazy eyed menopasal women.

about 13 years ago
Where are the records?

Rick Perry's school records are now public record.................Where is obama's?

Still no records on college and law school.................and the coverup continues.

Another lie, first black president, not true.

By the by, I predict Perry can't win........sounds way too much like Mr. Bush

Bachman, nope. Said things in the past that are coming back to haunt her.

So now, the more the clownish fool is in the white house anyone notice he is stuttering more...........what up with da'da'dat?

about 13 years ago
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