1-4-the-money's Profile

1-4-the-money's Posts

Newtofo Not Working Against Fo

I write to say Newtofo has posted much helpful information and raised important questions. To say he is of the manipulator variety is not in alignment with the words written. I think we are all a little cranky waiting for a return on investment. Regardless, we should all be able to post questions and comments on either side. In fact, I miss the person who couldn't correctly spell George. The comeuppance of the naysayers will be sweet tonic the day my red ink turns into dark green lettuce.

over 9 years ago
Re: Falcon Oil & Gas's Australian farm-out talks 'well advanced'

I've never seen such a group of naysayers. Goodness. Read all the words written about the company before and after the Hess deal and the walk away from it. Read about the positive actions to eliminate debt and to reduce royalty interests. "Well advanced" means well and advanced. It's good news not neutral. Like a bunch of kids hovering around the oven bugging mom because she hasn't said "the cake is ready." She says "the cake is well advanced" and they pout and doubt mom. Don't doubt O'Quigley. He's not golfing. He's working for you. The cake will be worth eating so I can wait a bit more for it to bake and be iced. He and the team will get the deal done by 6/30. Then all will see Falcon is a real company and not a mere torturer of our souls. I have faith in Falcon and have used the opportunity presented by the blatant price manipulation to get more shares at a bargain.

And I'm not upset with any poster's negative comments and the faithful shouldn't be either. They have their opinion and we have ours. When I have gobs of chocolate icing smeared around my smiling mouth you will know who was correct. It's not too much to ask for up to 60 more days to see the deal announced. "Genius is nothing but a great capacity for patience." George-Louis Leclerc Buffon

Chill and wait for the icing.

over 10 years ago
Re: From VRA newsletter

I have no beef with your recollection of the time the editor declared Falcon to be TSOTC. I know the VRA editor well and he was/is a Bruner fan. I'm decidedly not. The charge for the VRA includes various stock and ETF picks and options strategies. Sometimes the editor is correct and others not, which is typical. Right now he is on a roll of winners. I've been burned by some recommendations but scored on others. The report was old information and distributed a while ago. To be clear, I'm not pumping the VRA and wasn't the one who brought it up. Anyone taking potshots at the editor is welcome to his or her own opinion. Just trying to add something to the discourse while we wait patiently and impatiently for news on our beloved company. And in retrospect, it appears I added nothing because I was apparently wrong on my point of clarification. So I will go back to the corner, count my shares and wait. Patiently. In closing, I appreciate this board, the various viewpoints and the knowledge of most posters. Best regards.

over 10 years ago
Re: From VRA newsletter

I suspect your comment about the VRA changing Falcon from stock of the decade to stock of the century was for purposes of providing much needed humor. But, for anyone who does not get the VRA, the editor has actually named Fo the stock of the century for more than a year now. At great risk to his reputation I might add. He is a strong believer in the Falcon story. May his prediction come true quickly.

over 10 years ago
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