UC Resources Ltd.

UC is an emerging producer of Gold and Silver. The Company's goal is to combine cash flow from production, along with a significant exploration upside from its mining assets. The Company is working on its long term objectives to build a mid-tier Production company with a specific focus on silver and gold development in Mexico.
Grass Stains
about 10 years ago

Ever walk down 200 yards of 6% grade after consuming about 100 beers or so. You get that Newton's law thing goin about a body staying in motion. I don't think I went over the quard rail this time, but I had to grab 'er a few times. Damn you, Newton. I did, however, stumble into a cherry tree in my front yard in the dark. Hence the grass stains. Abused my wallet a bit also. She's lookin a little barren this AM. Good thing I don't misbehave too often.

I did not think a rank amatuer singer could wreck a non-existant voice, but when I tried to call the dog all that came out was a squeek. Another revelation.

Don't ya just love dogs? Got one beside me just now lickin my face. He is not the judgemental type. Good thing.

So that's it then. Time to torque down the bolts holdin my head on and off to Michigan for 7:00 AM. Ain't life grand. Must re-boot the wallet for the next few months till the siren call of the Karoke machine becomes too hard to ignore. I suppose I could grow up but where's the fun in that?

An hour in the shower and a hard day's drive should be the ticket for today.

As for UC, wake me up when necessary. Otherwise let me sleep. Perchance to dream. The dog doesn't seem too concerned. He is lickin me melon again. Why would he be concerned? He's among friends. Hee Hee.

Sorry to hear there will be no representative from Wyoming or thereabouts at the golf shindig. I have been told that the Royal Woodbine is a heck of a galf course. I sent Strato my funds so you can bet I will show, with or without stab wounds.


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