UC Resources Ltd.

UC is an emerging producer of Gold and Silver. The Company's goal is to combine cash flow from production, along with a significant exploration upside from its mining assets. The Company is working on its long term objectives to build a mid-tier Production company with a specific focus on silver and gold development in Mexico.

First i watched it a couple of times on 60 Minutes,a fairly well respected news source over the decades.Then i watched and listened to a guest on The Colbert Report,name of Christopher Steiner,who has written a book named..." Automate This:How Algorithms came to Rule Our World".Fascinating and sickening at the same time.But so true.

60 Minutes episode about "super computers" being placed right beside Wall Street to make billions of trades in "nano" seconds first got me thinking how bad the "game " is rigged against us.Check out 60 Minutes if you can.If you ever get a chance to see what Steiner wrote and talked about,it would scare you.

It`s fixed so us peons CAN`T win.There are 70% less people (so far) working the stock exchange floors for a reason.And our chances are only going to worsen,according to 60 Minutes and Mr.Steiner.And sadly,i see no evidence to believe otherwise.

This is NOT your fathers stock market.And yes,i do indeed believe it`s the end of an institution.

It will virtually take miracles for the little guy(us) to continue to expect to make money, crumbs off the table if you will.

It`s not JUST the world economy.The whole deck`s stacked against us now.

Please.look it up,and don`t "kill the messenger".I didn`t like hearing and seeing it either :(

I pray 60 Minutes and Mr.Steiner are incorrect.Unfortunately,me thinks they`re as knowledgeable as any one here and so far they seem very correct.

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