UC Resources Ltd.

UC is an emerging producer of Gold and Silver. The Company's goal is to combine cash flow from production, along with a significant exploration upside from its mining assets. The Company is working on its long term objectives to build a mid-tier Production company with a specific focus on silver and gold development in Mexico.
in response to jlately's message

G'morning Lately mi compadre: I am not worried on La Yesca, it has it's backing, reserves, and equipment in place and is pumping out increasing amounts of Loonies. It is NOT going further into debt daily.

However, my wife is the CEO, (Mexican version is the 'only administrator' of a Canadian subsidiary company) I am the 'unpaid' Comissario, in effect the Sheriff. I represent the stockholders and the Gov'ts interests in the operation. In effect I can override the CEO's decision or acts, if they are illegal or patently incorrect and pay their legal bills -- perhaps the Canadian companies should take notice of this division of power, hehehe, But the flaw iin this case is my 'wife', as usual, has the final word. sigh - fortunately she is quite honest.

Now if blue eyes was the CEO it would be resolved even more correctly and easily and I could sleep at nights.

The company has big drilling bills and property taxes and the market just doesn't show a bit of sunlight, I would be quite happy if it were only 1/10 of the La Yesca present status. We had to let the office staff go this week, since the treasury is effectively zero.

So you see, actually La Yesca is in a 'very enviable position', it only has to increase production, which it can do, whereas my company, and the others ?????

Common out to the patio and let's drown our sorrows and problems with some excellent San Miguel export.

Don Jose de La Mancha <-- El frustrated miner.

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