UC Resources Ltd.

UC is an emerging producer of Gold and Silver. The Company's goal is to combine cash flow from production, along with a significant exploration upside from its mining assets. The Company is working on its long term objectives to build a mid-tier Production company with a specific focus on silver and gold development in Mexico.

For those that don't get to read Ed's news letter:

Germany Has A Generous Proposal To The Broke PIIGS: "Cash For Gold"

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2012 - 14:44 Creditors European Central Bank Eurozone fixed France George Papandreou Germany Greece Gross Domestic Product Ireland Italy Monetary Policy Portugal Sovereign Debt World Gold Council

Back in February, as part of the latest Greek bailout of European banks, we noted that the most subversive part of the German-led proposal was nothing short of a gold confiscation scheme. Today, courtesy of The Telegraph, we learn that Germany is quietly reminding the world that the stealthy, but voluntary, accumulation of gold is what it is all about. As part of a newed push for quasi-Federalism, whereby Germany would fund a "European Redemption Pact", in which Berlin would, in the form of Germany-backed joint bonds, be responsible for any sovereign debt over the 60% Maastrtich limit, but with a big catch. The catch is that "a key motive is to relieve the European Central Bank of its duties as chief fire-fighter. "We have got to get the ECB out of the game of distributing money, and separate fiscal and monetary policy. Germany has only two votes on the ECB Council and has no way to control consolidation," he said. Germany would have a lockhold over the fund, able to enforce discipline. Each state would have to pledge 20pc of their debt as collateral. "The assets could be taken from the country’s currency and gold reserves. The collateral nominated would only be used in the event that a country does not meet its payment obligations," said the proposal. In other words: a perfectly legitimate, and fully voluntary scheme in which sovereign gold is pledged to a German "pawn broker" until such time as the joint bonds are extinguished, and if for some "unpredictable" reason, a country fails to meet its obligations, read defaults, all the pledged gold goes to Germany!

But why Gold? Why not spam. After all gold is selling off, spam is stable, and the dollar is soaring. Couldn't Germany merely demand that broke countries simply pledge all their USD reserves, and keep their worthless, stinking yellow metal? Apparently not.

I think there is still belief in gold over US$!


W.C. Guy

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