Torch River Resources Ltd.

Nahmint Property hosts over 8000 acres on Vancouver Island. The property contains 14 Crown granted mineral claims which contained 3 small high grade copper mines going back to the early 1900s (grades of 7.5%, 9.09% and 17.5% copper).
Rare Earth Elements (REE's) Reported from Mt Copeland - Revelstoke Mining Division, BC

CALGARY, ALBERTA, Nov 2, 2010 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Torch River Resources Ltd. ("Torch" or the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:TCR) (FRANKFURT:WNF) (PINK SHEETS:TORVF) is pleased to announce geochemical analysis results identifying molybdenum (Mo), REE (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu), yttrium (Y), zirconium (Zr), and niobium (Nb) bearing mineralization on its 100% owned Mount Copeland mineral tenures comprising 1318 hectares and located 25 km northwest of Revelstoke, BC. Copeland Mo property history includes underground excavation (1970-73) that produced 169,729 tonnes and recovered 2,625,046 pounds (1,190,713 kilograms) of molybdenum. When the Copeland Mine went into production in 1970, development work, diamond drilling, mapping, & sampling indicated there was 163,340 tonnes @ 1.09% Mo.

REE's are presently in short supply, and their values are high and increasing. Their uses are varied but essential in manufacturing activities such as: electronics, batteries, high tech uses, strong magnets, TV screens and microwave transmission.

Fieldwork carried out by the Corporation in 2010 consisted of 34 rock chip, and 72 soil samples taken in a 1,200 X 500 m area centred on the old underground workings. Soil and rock chip samples were analyzed by lithium borate fusion with ICP-MS finish, and Mo assay (Pioneer Labs, Richmond, BC certificate 2102718). A total of 8 select rock chip samples were re-analyzed by lithium borate fusion with ICP-MS finish ME-MS61 (ALS Chemex Labs, N Vancouver, BC certificate VA10144345). A compilation of geochemical analysis (and assays for Mo), is listed as follows:

Mean average values for elements listed, from 72 soil samples geochemically analyzed:

Ce Dy Er La Nd Pr Sm U Y Nb Ti
519.0 19.0 11.0 389.6 170.5 60.0 29.0 21.5 104.7 323.3 0.98
ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm %

Anomalous REE values in soil samples are widespread. The areas that have the highest concentrations of REE values in soil include Marble Breccia Ridge and the East Glacier Zones. The Marble Breccia Ridge Zone contains 4 positive total field anomalies identified by a magnetometer survey carried out in 2008. These positive total field magnetic anomalies (moderate strength 200-500 nT increase, strong greater than 500 nT increase) are listed as follows:

Easting Northing Elevation Relative strength Zone Name
397350 5665500 2320 m Moderate West Basin
397500 5665350 2340 m Strong Marble Bx Ridge
397550 5665350 2335 m Moderate Marble Bx Ridge
397650 5665300 2340 m Strong Marble Bx Ridge
397600 5665250 2410 m Moderate Marble Bx Ridge
397690 5665250 2395 m Moderate W Glacier

The magnetometer survey strong anomalies are located in an area of marble with extensive zones of pyrrhotite and/or magnetite/ilmenite replacement mineralization which coincides with elevated REE geochemical analysis of rock chips 10AR-22 to 28 from Marble Breccia Ridge.

rock no % Mo ppm Ce ppm La ppm Nd ppm Pr ppm Sm
10AR-1 0.63 165.2 79.7 49 15.1 7.1
10AR-2 0.49 132.1 44.3 36.2 12 4.1
10AR-3 0.95 1855 1105 531.2 165.5 47.4
10AR-4 1.33 297.8 187.3 80.3 26.6 10.4
10AR-5 0.56 142.9 79.7 45.1 14.2 6.7
10AR-9 0.77 103.3 51.8 36.2 10.7 6.2
10AR-10 1.2 116.3 66 33.5 11.2 4.7
10AR-11 0.1 396.1 170.1 128.8 39.8 23.1
10AR-12 0.01 1110 638 241 92.6 23.2
10AR-14 0.19 35.5 20.1 11.3 3.5 1.7
10AR-15 0.21 96.3 47.4 39.4 10.7 6.3
10AR-19 0.01 754 742.5 175.5 61.2 22
10AR-20 greater greater greater greater greater
than than than than than
0.01 10000 10000 10000 1000 1000
10AR-22 greater greater greater
than than than
0.01 10000 10000 2550 1000 209.6
10AR-23 0.01 1270 1205 176.3 87.1 23.1
10AR-24 0.21 183 164.1 37.4 13.3 4.6
10AR-25 0.01 593 722.3 99.9 43.3 13.7
10AR-26 0.22 1440 1520 166.8 89.2 24.6
10AR-27 0.92 23.5 15 7.5 2.3 1.3
10AR-28 0.43 191.4 129.7 45.8 15.8 6.7
10AR-30 3.4 175.1 99.4 70 20.6 12.6

rock no ppm Y ppm Dy ppm Nb % Ti Ppm Zr
10AR-1 31.3 5.7 94.9 0.058 4
10AR-2 8.2 1.8 74.2 0.094 3
10AR-3 113 24.5 3760 0.966 979
10AR-4 greater
39.1 7.5 1000 2.587 19
10AR-5 greater
18.6 4 1000 1.396 11
10AR-9 32.3 5.4 641.9 0.771 5
10AR-10 11.7 2.2 43.9 0.037 16
10AR-11 101.1 18.5 84.2 0.287 5
10AR-12 66.1 12.1 255 0.287 638
10AR-14 4.1 0.8 18.2 0.055 1
10AR-15 19.5 3.9 23.8 0.117 8
10AR-19 76.5 11.8 236 1.466 1865
10AR-20 623.8 284.1 527.4 2.928 6190
10AR-22 414.8 80.1 31.4 0.277 136
10AR-23 103.8 16.7 73.5 0.361 484
10AR-24 23.2 3.7 22.1 0.171 6
10AR-25 106.9 17.2 147.1 0.566 219
10AR-26 152.4 20.6 35.3 0.254 95
10AR-27 3.4 0.7 32.1 0.227 6
10AR-28 25.3 4.4 89.6 0.486 12
10AR-30 38.5 8.5 126.8 0.06 7

rock no width elev strike dip zone name
cm m
10AR-1 100 2056 100 45 S Glacier Mine
10AR-2 120 2053 105 48 S Glacier Mine
10AR-3 60 2046 100 45 S Glacier Mine
10AR-4 100 2076 103 47 S Glacier Mine
10AR-5 100 2079 100 39 S East ext, Glacier
10AR-9 200 2059 114 52 S East ext, Glacier
10AR-10 100 2055 112 50 S East ext, Glacier
10AR-11 52 2032 115 51 S East ext, Glacier
10AR-12 float 1980 Sub-portal
10AR-14 200 1939 140 62 SW J-5
10AR-15 20 1977 135 20 S Sub-portal
10AR-20 18 2270 110 48 S Glacier East
10AR-22 70 2170 101 30 S West Marble Ridge
10AR-23 180 2169 100 30 S West Marble Ridge
10AR-24 280 2181 100 50 S West Marble Ridge
10AR-25 25 2204 100 34 S West Marble Ridge
10AR-26 30 2218 100 34 S West Marble Ridge
10AR-27 25 2212 115 62 S West Marble Ridge
10AR-28 22 2203 105 63 S West Basin
10AR-30 float 2171 float West Basin

rock no comments
10AR-1 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo
10AR-2 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo
10AR-3 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo
10AR-4 450 cm wide peg-aplite zone
10AR-5 K-spar, chlorite
10AR-9 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo
10AR-10 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo
10AR-11 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo
10AR-12 angular float, 1% magnetite
10AR-14 increased limonite-chlorite with Mos2
10AR-15 3 m north is open cut
10AR-20 red-yellow-brown gossan in cliff
10AR-22 350 cm wide py-pyo-ank skarn band
10AR-23 275 cm wide py-pyo-ank skarn band
10AR-24 limonitic aplite-carbonate breccia contact
10AR-25 limonitic aplite-carbonate breccia contact
10AR-26 limonitic aplite-carbonate breccia contact
10AR-27 limonitic aplite-carbonate breccia contact
10AR-28 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo
10AR-30 K-spar, kaol, chlorite, trace pyo

Note- 4 samples (AR-4, 5, 20, & 22) have above detection limit analysis and are currently being re-analyzed (using higher standards) at Pioneer Labs and ALS Chemex Labs.

A second area of REE bearing mineralization occurs in the East Glacier Zone (e.g. rock chip sample COPE10AR-20). The East Glacier and Marble Bx Ridge Zones are about 500 meters apart, but they occur on the same stratigraphic horizon and may be part of an extensive REE bearing mineral zone that trends under the glacier. In addition to REE bearing mineralization, a zone of elevated molybdenum and coincident niobium occurs in the east extension of the Copeland underground workings. This area has been targeted for possible extensions of Mo bearing mineralization, but this zone appears to have elevated Mo-Nb-Ti (e.g. rock chip sample COPE10AR-4 & 5). Also, directly adjacent to the underground workings there is a rock chip sample that contains elevated Mo-REE-Nb-Ti (rock chip sample COPE10AR-3).

The geological setting for the Copeland molybdenite-REE occurrence is within concordant bodies of nepheline syenite gneiss that occur adjacent to the calc-silicate gneiss and marble unit. The syenite has locally developed an augen texture with large porphyryblasts of K-feldspar in a fine-grained groundmass. Calc-silicate assemblages contain diopside, garnet and actinolite. Carbonates and carbonatites are re-crystallized to medium and locally coarse-grained granoblastic marbles. Lithologies present are summarized as follows:


Syenite Aplite/Syenite Pegmatite: K-feldpsar, kaolinite, sericite, calcite, biotite, fluorite, garnet, sphene, specularite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, molybdenite, ilmenite, chalcopyrite, scheelite, tourmaline, apatite, riebeckite, poikilitic aegirine, zircon, zeolite, cancrinite, and analcite

Hangingwall Syenite Gneiss, Nepheline Syenite: K-feldspar, green/brown phlogopite, calcite, chlorite, accessory apatite, zircon, sphene, tourmaline, sphene, apatite, riebeckite, poikilitic aegirine, zircon, fluorite, zeolite, cancrinite and analcite

Biotite-Amphibole Marble: weathered and deeply pitted appearance, biotite, hornblende, chlorite, marble (granoblastic), actinolite, diopside

Black Biotite Amphibole Gneiss: biotite, hornblende, chlorite, oligoclase, magnetite

Quartzite Gneiss:feldspar, granular, interbedded marble bands, actinolite & diopside

The biotite-amphibole marble unit has extremely high soda and potash content, and this is likely attributed to fenitization, caused by peralkaline fluids. These fluids are thought to complex and transport REE, associated with minerals such as apatite, zircon, pyrochlore, allanite, monazite and bastnaesite.

Management is encouraged by results of rock and soil samples containing elevated REE on Mt Copeland and has sent for re-assay those samples over 1% (10,000 ppm). The company will continue to focus on exploration and development targeting REE's, Nb, Y, Zr, Ti, and Mo bearing mineral zones. Soil/rock chip sampling and interpretation of data for Torch River Resources was carried out under the supervision of Andris Kikauka, P. Geo., and a Qualified Person with respect to National Instrument 43-101.

Forward Looking Information

This press release may contain forward-looking statements which may include estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, statements made regarding the Omineca Property. Although Torch believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot give any assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Results of Torch including its ability to mobilize and drill on schedule may be affected by a variety of variables and risks associated with the mining industry such as availability of human and capital resources, competition, exploration and development plans and results, anticipated capital expenditures and financing thereof, timing of applications and approvals. As such the future plans and objectives of Torch are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties and may be based on assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in such statements. Torch's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, Torch does not intend nor does it undertake any obligation to update or review any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent information , events, results or circumstances or otherwise.

SOURCE: Torch River Resources Ltd.

Torch River Resources Ltd. William E. Pfaffenberger President and Chief Executive Officer (403) 444-6888 ProActive Communications Co. Local Vancouver: (604) 541-1995 Toll Free: (800) 540-1995

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