St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

A look at this old news release from the Tesoro, and most likely the first ever from the Tesoro property, reveals a lot of interesting info. Any Financial Advisor or Geologist would not have the time to thoroughly research the property and all information pertaining to the company, like we do. Also keep in mind, that there are numerous investors that dig constantly and are very resourceful in this respect. For example, much more thorough research results can be attained from 100 shareholders digging, than 1 FA or geo, or Securities investigator, for that matter. The clues are there, for anyone who wishes to take the time and dig. Many inconsistencies are found between historical data and recent exploration work since the Quantec. Its interesting that at AGM,s as well as the Calgary meeting in Mar of 2012, Lori speaks very differently than what she puts out in news releases. For instance, at the Calgary meet she mentions open pittable, yet none of the recent exploration results from the last 2 years even come close to depicting this. Wide areas of disseminated gold is mentioned in earlier releases, yet there is no indication of these revealed in recent drilling or trenching results. I could go on and on, identifying contradictions that Lori has made between public speeches and news releases, but I believe most are well aware of many and thats not really the purpose of this post.

The purpose of this post is to really show some of the clues that point to this being very economical and also maybe a couple contradictions enjoyed. This news release is 8 years old, and early indications then suggested great potential for a sizable and economical resource, also some proof to back up posting by this board in the past. All of our posting has not been based on speculation, over active imaginations or even wishful thinking, it has been based on fact. When you analyse all historic data from the property, and then even do a proof check by analysing outside of the property, and identifying consistencies with other mineral projects in the area and geographically, you have no choice but to believe all historical data as credible and fact. All evidence outside the Tesoro only further supports the historical data of the Tesoro 100%. When you start seeing contradictions being stated and this historical data not showing up in recent exploration results of the Tesoro, this is where many questions arise and investors are forced to believe that something else is going on here. I recall Jeff calling me about a year ago, after the first or second drill results release, he said, " Rick, listen to me, the veins are very narrow and uneconomical", of course I disagreed and continue to this day, whereas the width of the veins is mostly irrelevant, its the grade thats very important on the Tesoro. Below, I will show an excerpt or two from the 2005 release which contradicts what he tried to pound into my head, why he tried this, I have no idea, but can only guess.

Conspiracy theories, yes, what else are you to believe when it appears that factual information is changing and could possibly be disappearing or avoiding every drill bit and every trench made on the Tesoro? The gold, silver, copper, alteration zones, diseminated silicious zones, faults, veins, andesite dikes, blow outs,mineralization,sulphides, etc,etc,etc, doesn,t dissappear at depth, its where all these things come from, and are usually wider structures the deeper you go or at least hold their average width to considerable depths, not disappear. All of the above are considered targets in any exploration program, you focus on these structures, and especially when you have geophysics done, this tunes you into these structures further, leaving the chances for missing these structures at depth, very close to nil. I have shown you examples of other companies results of drilling comparible anomalies and this also shows why companies use geophysics, its common sense and a proven science. The Quantec is proven on the Tesoro in multiple ways, it matches all historical data and even a high degree of accuracy is proven, within a couple meters, which is truly amazing. So, its impossible to have high grade gold in the sulphides down to 100m and for this to disappear as the Quantec readings that coincide with this continue to get stronger at depth, and hook up with huge anomalies deeper. We are on a subduction zone here as well, that means mineralization, most of it, is coming from multiple intrusions from deep within the earth as the continental plates are continuously burnt off by millenia of these plates being pushed in under the Andes. The veins are mesothermal, not to mention the ancient volcanic activity there, telling you that the rich source comes from considerable depths , not shallow depths where epithermal deposits are usually formed, and in a different process.

Sorry for rambling; here are some excerpts; I bolded important clues.

The program consisted of control grid emplacement, reconnaissance mapping and prospecting over the entire Property, detailed geological mapping and sampling of all identified veins, trenching and sampling of wider structures that flank the veins and underground sampling of the Canchete 1 vein.

Within the veins the gold occurs as free gold and electrum in pyrite-arsenopyrite microfractures and as free gold and electrum encapsulated by quartz.


A total of 181 samples of vein material have been collected and analyzed for gold at the Lima laboratories of ALS-Chemex using atomic absorption with a fire-assay finish with check samples being completed by CIMM laboratories also located in Lima. The highest assay is 97g/t gold (2.83 ounces per ton) and the average assay of all samples is 13.89g/t gold (0.41 ounces per ton). Vein widths, at surface, range from a few centimeters to 110 centimeters with an average width of 23 centimeters. Mapping and sampling from both deep trenches/pits (+/- 3m) and from the Canchete 1 underground workings (30m) indicate that the continuity and width of the veins increases to depth.

(average 4.0 meters) were collected from 17 trenches excavated into unveined or very sparsely veined portions of the Tesoro Structural Corridor. A composite chip sample of highly silicified granodiorite returned 27m (88.5 feet) of 1.74g/t Au. Subsequent trenching located approximately 25m and 50m to the southeast of this zone failed to encounter the same rock type that carried the 1.74g/t Au values. Further work is planned to attempt to follow this zone to depth.

NOTE BELOW, this is 2005 we are talking about and the 270 ppb equates to roughly .27 g/t, at todays pog and 8 years of gathering more info, this may be very economical today and may suggest the start of an open pit.

Although some isolated gold anomalies were obtained, including 39.7g/t Au (1.16 ounces per ton) across 1.2 meters, only one area of consistently elevated gold assays was encountered, this being at Zona Canchete where the average grade of 36 samples taken within an area measuring 100m by 120m is 270ppb gold. Although highly anomalous, this is not an economically viable grade for a disseminated prospect at the current price of gold. The disseminated gold target(s) within the project area remains intriguing.

NOTE BELOW, in a recent NR by SLI, it is mentioned that the high grade ore shoots have been "thoroughly exploited" by informales. This is confusing for me because she says the informales were evicted from the property when the C-1 shaft was only 30m deep. Since that time, we have gone down to 100m, so if this gold down there is gone, who took it? I don,t think it was proper to blame informales in a recent release, if all the high grade accessable gold is gone in certain parts and down below depths in which they couldnot mine?

Extensive underground development on this vein was recently carried out by informales (unauthorized informal miners) who have since been evicted from the Property. Underground development consists of a vertical shaft to a depth of approximately 30 meters and cut-and-fill stopes.

On surface, the vein is less than 20cm wide and is discontinuous. However, at depth the vein is continuous and generally wider (up to 50 cm). Samples collected near surface, at depths of 1.1m and 2.4m, are lower grade than most of the deeper samples, suggesting that there is near-surface gold depletion on the Tesoro property.


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