St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Regardless of a public that does not fully see nor comprehend yet what is transpiring, everything goes ahead. Little by little you have been shown truths. Ones with closed minds and/or the unwillingness to accept that there are bigger things at play, still attempt to promote their propaganda from a state of fear. These ones not yet Awakened are still heavily conditioned, conditioned to the degree that their consent and mind stays with what they think they know, and do not know how to escape it' s confines.

 As every day goes by, so do more Awaken, this is the new reality being created that will break down what you thought was the only reality. Governments and their systems are part of this breakdown. Those that yet do not see nor understand, will very soon be unable to refute or block out what they do not wish to accept. The evidence released thus far on a global scale is beyond, it is enormous.

 How much do the closed minds need to see before they Awaken? Have they not seen it official about The Luxembourg Leaks, The Swiss Leaks, the Libor Scandal, the Wiki Leaks specifically in relation to the Clintons, but, there is so much more there, Edward Snowden, the Pedophile Leaks in relation to the Vatican and politicians, and yet to be official; the unground railways of the syndicates and the Vancouver connection which penetrates the Canadian Justice system as well as the financial system. The list goes on and on, yet many try to repair a system that is inrepairable and that was designed to support corruption.

 When all systems within a government fail to protect it's citizens, it becomes very clear and common sense, that the system itself is the problem, and is definitely not there for the publics protection. When you have numerous lawyers interested in a crime, then run away  from representing it in fear, it sends out a pretty concise message. When you have main media doing the same, it delivers the same message, they are afraid.

 I understand how some may say "your nuts", not to degrade them, but they have not had the liberty yet to have the Eureka moment where everything falls into place and their perception is cleared. Many are missing what is truly happening in the world because they are heavily conditioned to support the existing systems and believe the ones that are conditioning them, holding them back. Many of us were Awakening years ago, to expose every bit of corruption in the systems and to assist those newly Awakening. Some are very stuborn at Awakening, but for those, events have been happening and will continue, to Awakening them to a truth that they cannot refute nor deny, so, things go ahead.

 Those of you in relative comfort zones are about to be aroused.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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