St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
 I have found myself several times attempting to prepare a cover letter and a package outlining all the deceit and corruption surrounding this SLI investment, to send to lawyers, investigators, media etc. Each time, the numerous counts of injustice and violations is so vast, that I am unable to in detail, to keep any package or summary simple and compact. Each time, because of the huge web and complexity of our SLI story, I find myself saying that it would require a book to more efficiently present our case, and that any summary, simply will not do.
Just a few hours ago, I attempted to prepare another cover letter, a summary, to present perhaps to more than one group of new lawyers and interests. I worked on that particular summary for about 2 hours, comprised about 3 full paragraphs, and realized that I only touched on 3 of what may possible be , hundreds of worthy mentionables. I then thought, for anyone reading it, that they may not grasp the severity, nor the blatancy, without the perhaps 100 other things presented clearly before them. Each time I end up telling myself, a book needs to be written, showing all documentation and circumstantial evidence supporting our story, our claim. It is then, after being properly layed out and organized, that any authority, as well as any common man, cannot deny nor refute the grave injustice happening with our investment. The book would not only reinforce and simplify our allegations, but also, demonstrate an incontestable proof through meticulous construct.
I have in the past, tried to write the book, but because of being financially burdened, harassed and even threatened, I was unable to devote the time to writing the book. I could not devote the time to writing the book because I constantly find myself wondering where the next dollar is going to come from, to provide me with basic necessity. I receive now, and only the last few months, between $100-150 dollars a month from my disability pension that my ex wife receives, as part of a divorce agreement. As you know, it is very difficult for a person to live on that much a month, in the spring to fall, it was easier for me to find enough money myself to live on, and as you see, I got through, but had to even ask for assistance from several friends and family to get through even the spring,summer and fall. So, what I am trying to say, is that where I must constantly secure my next dollar, it leaves me with very little time to properly write the book. 
I feel the book must be written now, whereas we are near the end of possible avenues of inside assistance from regulators, etc, and that we must continue this fight outside the system, if it must be that way. I feel a book must be organized containing every aspect of our story, and subsequently, explaining it. The general public, upon reading the book, will become better informed and it also holds the potential for a larger allegiance, once the public understands more, how this story affects them also. We need the public on our side, there is where the power of numbers takes over, and forces the authorities to do something, for there may only be a million people in Canada that are connected to the regulatory, etc, system and are controlled by it, whereas there is a general public of 20 million or more.
 I had attempted in the past, about 2 years ago, to raise funds by "go fund me" , so that I could write the book then about corruption and SLI. It was very interesting to see that zero funds were donated to this cause. Also interesting, I attempted to donate myself a few dollars to see if the donation page was working properly, for some reason, it would not work for me. Was it blocked to all donations? Perhaps it was, it wouldn't surprise me in the least, after considering all the financial burdening tactics I had experienced by sophisticated intent. In the past, this "intent" was successful at hacking websites of mine, intercepting and blocking my emails and not least, blocking incoming/outgoing calls on my phone, making it impossible to try to secure some source of income for me, of which I could have done at my own time, when I was able. So you see, I tried to be responsible in securing an income to some degree inside the system, and every time, my attempts to secure a taxable/registered employment, were met with blocks and shutoffs. It even went as far as I taking a caretaker/watchman job, where I could stay free on the premises, with $800 a month wage (of which I could exist off of). I started this job a few years ago, and to my amazement, a few days into the job, saw the boss coming to me and saying, "your services are no longer required", with NO explanation. I can assure you that I am genuine and that I did nothing to make this boss fire me, I know it was influenced by those financially burdening me (because of SLI) because of several other reasons, that I will not share at this time.
I AM NOT BEGGING FOR MONEY HERE IN THIS REQUEST. What I am doing, is for consideration, if a group or all of you affected shareholders would be interested in sponsoring me with a living allowance so that I may completely focus on the book and promptly get it out there to the public, to enhance any future proceedings by us. I would only require about $1000 a month to live undistractedly upon so I could intently focus upon the book, about $70 a month for phone, and optional, a mobile internet package so that I may constantly consult the internet in putting the book together, and would not have to waste gas all the time in finding free wi-fi areas, as I do now (free wi fi areas have many restrictions that would interfere with my train of thought and focus) . So, I feel about $1200 per month, for about 3 months, would suffice in getting the book written fully by me. My intent is not to make money off of the book, ( actual intent is to prepare a written indisputable, irrefutable presentation of our case for future purposes, if needed), but if circumstance allows this to some degree, ALL of any sponsorship would be payed back at the most available time in the future by me.
This is just a thought and perhaps an option that I am putting out there for your consideration. After what recently happened, with the BCSC and the RCMP closing their investigations, the final chapter is out there to be written, of the first book, it is time.
Any questions, feel free to post them here and I will answer.
Thank You for any and all consideration.
Rick Jewers
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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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