St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

INFORMATION NOW has been shared with some investors off public record of bribery allegations involving obtaining a past permit for SLI. This information was held by me in hopes that the RCMP would interview me in the past, and at that time when I discovered the RCMP were NOT going to interview me, I had THEN shared the info with a small group of shareholders. Without giving all the details publicly of these allegations, these allegations if proven, should have THEN and even NOW, suffice in removing Lori from office and getting our Company back, so that WE may protect our investment/interest. It is in the RCMP,s best interest as well as the BCSC to take the above allegations seriously and probe further into the details of alleged bribery. Our U.S. and Germany shareholders may also wish to be informed of these allegations and launch investigations from their countries. I sit upon much valuable information that the RCMP and BCSC intentionally excluded from any investigation thereof, but as not to be unwise, I distributed this information with different ones, as to secure and assure protection of this information if something happened to me.

 Some other info I set upon, of which there are other witnesses, is that BEFORE the phoney drill results were published, there was a plan in place to hit the stock price, meaning driving it very low, to SHAKE OUT (TREE SHAKE) small investors, so that some BIG MONEY guys could get shares before the truth of how BIG this was was declared to the public. This is a criminal offence by all parties involved and covers a wide range of serious crime from fraud to conspiracy. Had the RCMP and BCSC did an ACTUAL INVESTIGATION, these things would have been uncovered, so I am left to believe, there never was, or very little of an investigation, and because of this, it becomes blatant to me that this has assisted/accompliced greatly in the loss by shareholders.

 Even with IGD, shareholders revealed violations by Lori to the TSX with NO enforcement, it becomes very obvious that someone big was always protecting her, til lately.

 This post is permissable to be copied and spread wherever it must go and in fact I encourage ALL to document and share this important post.



Below is an introduction to the Act as well an example in Mag Industries, that I encourage shareholders to read and understand the implications this may have going forward and the seriousness of the alledged crime/s by Lori.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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