St. Elias Mines

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in response to aiminvestor's message

How do we know there is gold at Tesoro?

This was posted some time ago by one of the people still involved with Sli today, but by whom?

The simple answer is: “We found it already”. Sorry if you expected a more elaborate answer but this question of how do we know there is gold is asked all the time on forums. With 2 mine shafts and lots of surface samples we already know we have gold. The question is how much?

This is where it gets tricky. This stock is a speculative play. There are no drill holes which makes it impossible to determine how much gold is there. However, we do have evidence to help us figure out a potential. This property in my opinion has over 100 million ounce potential!

That is a very large number to assume but let me explain quickly and then show you what I mean. The Tesoro property is located on a Plateau. They have found gold on the surface, in 2 mine shafts of 100 m depth, and there are working mines at the base of the plateau. So, whats in the middle? I think its gold…

Why do I think there is gold in the middle? Well, in short, the gold came from somewhere… since it did not fall out of the sky it came from below. Since there are mines at the base of the property this is a very compelling argument don’t you think?

Well, perhaps you are not satisfied… I wasn’t and SLI wasn’t. They had a Quantec 3d survey done. This is basically the best deep earth imaging survey out there. This survey showed over 50 surface anomalies and at depth, down to 1500+ meters depth, they have a giant egg-shaped anomaly. The surface anomalies link up very well with surface samples and surface veins. The 2 existing mine shafts also link up with the surface anomalies. This is telling me that some of these anomalies are most likely gold bearing. Since the evidence is suggesting that the surface anomalies have been fed by the larger anomaly below I have to wonder if that large anomaly is also gold bearing. It is a very evident possibility.

To predict a 100 million ounce property you just need some simple math which you can get from my previous postings in my St. Elias mines links. I will not go into those calculations here because I want you to see the evidence. Follow the links below and take in a visual representation of just a fraction of the supporting evidence for my thoughts.

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