St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to firstnation's message

You know, I am not opposed to you or anyone else having a different perspective but some how you and others like you have this condescending manner about them and I for one am FULL up of that. What we have for evidence is not WEAK. and seriously you can't overlook an avatar?'s not about the avatar now is it?

YOU'RE tired? I'm so sorry to hear that. Investors on here have LOST a lot (money, sleep, family, time) and its because we believe we have a loser CEO! There are definitely some like you and have your opinion, so go shoot the bull with them. Go rehash with them what losers we are and how dumb we are and feel better! Seriously, there are quite a few who are happy to tell us we are the bagholders and blah, blah, blah. Quit trying to school us...believe me we have all got quite the education from the experience and now its time to stand up and be heard. I am not going away quietly when I see that the laws, and the rules and the lies that intituitons have fed us are completely unfair and have tipped the scales in their own favour. For the RECORD, I have taken on a rather large institution in my lifetime and I beat them at their own game. The mistake many make is shutting up, shutting down or accepting/believing the institution is "right"! This internet thing must be such a thorn in the criminal's side, eh? Exposure sucks when you're not doing the right thing.

So while I have a voice, I am going to keep hollering until I see some form of justice or at the very least feel HEARD. Your sad little issue of getting banned on here is all in your hands. Your deal is with the owners of this site, not the other posters here. I've had my posts pulled and I didn't pout. Grow up and get some thicker skin...maybe you just need to play nicer in the sand box.

In the meantime, no stone unturned...

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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