St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company are the 2 questions I posed a few days back:

1. What compelling reasons are there to suggest our current CEO is the right person to lead SLI from this day forward?

2. What compelling reasons are there to suggest replacing our current CEO with the right person to lead SLI from this day forward?

I'll be honest I was hoping that someone who is a supporter of the status quo and who has a "what's past is past and let's just move forward" viewpoint would have chimed in.

Nontheless...There is something along those lines that is important regardless of what "we" think or feel.

There is a prevailing sentiment that we as shareholders are responsible for:

Determining if our CEO is doing a good job.

This is ABSOLUTELY incorrect.

Determining if our CEO should continue or be removed.

This is ABSOLUTELY incorrect.

Removing an underperforming CEO.

This is ABSOLUTELY incorrect.

and finally, providing a suitable replacement if the CEO is removed.

This is ABSOLUTELY incorrect.

It is soley the Board of Directors who have an obligation to make sure the right person is running the company at all times and consider the key 2 questions I posed, above all, at all times. In fact shareholders should NEVER have to attempt to intervene in the operations of a company as they are effectively "silent investors", the Board is mandated to, and should be making the appropriate decisions to benefit the company. Of course when this doesn't materialize, then and ONLY then should shareholders have to step up and strive for change.

I only bring this up because it is important to understand your responsibilities as shareholders...I applaud those who have taken an active role in trying to make change where they feel it is necessary...however nobody should mistake this willingness to step up as somehow a transfer of responsibility from the BOD who are in fact the ones responsible for the company's health.

If the Board deems the performance of the CEO is unsatisfactory and deems it to be in the best interest of the company to replace the CEO...the Board must replace them...that's how it works, plain and simple.

While there is plenty of claims by shareholders about "this and that" which is all fine and good...there are also those who suggest management is doing a good the end of the day...keeping the CEO running the company MUST be justified by the board and using performance and experience metrics MUST be the basis of any justification for keeping them or removing them. It IS NOT our responsibility...nor is it rocket science.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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