St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Sinister's message

Sinister, I would like to address a few things from your post. You claim that Bow is confused, but it seems to me you may have a bit of confusion yourself.

First you claim:

When you Google SLI you find Agoracom and a list of endless accusations and allegations of wrong doing by SLI, with absolutely no proof I might add”

I personally do not post anything on here without a link to an NR, an audio, or some form of documentation to back up my statements. I know this is the same for the majority of us. Have you ever wondered why the lack of action on the defamation suit?

Then you go on to say:

“Anyone who thinks that management should have held their shares after horrible news is not very bright.”

Good lord, Sinister….they are suppose to be acting in the best interest of the shareholders!! How can they do that when they aren’t even shareholders themselves? How much confidence can you put into someone that doesn’t even have shares in the company that they are managing????

Then you say:

“Don’t be so foolish as to expect dissident shareholders to be allowed to get 55% of the private placement”

Why not??? The dissidents aren’t allowed to take control of the company with over 90% of the votes so what’s the difference??? So let’s fill the PP with people that are actually concerned, and not with friends and family of the people that don’t have any shares.I’m thinking it also cuts into the finders fees of certain loved ones.

All in my opinion

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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