St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to ChasingChance's message

I for one am very disappointed in St Elias Mines!! I am just a small investor in this stock and for you to sit and judge how much DD I have done is wrong. I have done thousands of hrs of DD. Researching, reading and talking to other investors like myself. We never ever got a full picture of anything, every news release (If there was any) were never cut and dried. Incomplete results were the best way the ST ELIAS Managament could relay grey information to there stockholders to keep us guessing. What happened yesterday was a crime against the common person. People like you stop people like me from investing in the future. Congradulations, you have made an impact on many people's lives, for the worse. The rich get richer and the common person get's steam rolled. I come out of this situation knowing 2 things. I got burned and we all know who the people are never to trust again. You will have a serious hard time ever trying to market your credibility ever.

Like a very smart person said yesterday, friends and family got hurt and all I can do is say I am sorry. The only person that is dumb is me. Hope is gone because the people that can make a difference, Wont!! I will tell everyone I know to stay away from this company and the people involved for it is the gift that keeps on taking due to greed.

As for the ST Elias CEO and Directors, not once have you said your sorry for anything. And to all that reply to this with no respect to the common shareholder, have a nice day and thank you for not gloating.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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