St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
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over 11 years ago

Hi everyone. Just a Reader's Digest Condensed recap of why this battle we're in is so important for our investment (watch for this post to soon be shredded at SH) LOL!

I realise that, in the heat of current events, we sometimes lose sight of what got us here in the first place. Let's just recap a few of the highlights that come to mind and try to keep the fire burning in your bellies for the Green cause, because the Green cause is the only cause that will support your investment IMO

1. We have suffered through lack of transparency by our CEO and management. In a CC she promised more open communication. But dring that same conversation, we were disrespectfully told such things by our CEO like "go harrass an immigrant".

2. We have watched her deal our properties about (and although she has the authority to do that in day to day business) without updating shareholders or communicating with them on any plane. Much "new" information about our company's altered or acquired holdings were discovered by people noticing changes on the SLI website.

3. Lori releases those who stand in her way or demand accountability from her. Two directors fired as well as the company VP Murry Braucht (the only management person fighting for accountability to shareholders.

4. Optioning properties to another compnay that she sits on as CEO...illegal? Not sure. Ethical? Absolutely not IMO.

How can you claim to be representing the best interests of the shareholders of one company while striking a deal with the shareholders of another that you manage? Conflict of interest? IMO absolutely. Consequently, a move like optioning the Cueva Blanca to Intigold to maximize SLI shareholder value is laughable. How is Intigold to do any exploration or honour any committment to that agreement, when they spent all of their money on a Social Networking company called TAGITT?

And if you believe there are no connections between those close to Lori and Leigh Akin (the developer of TAGITT) then you've not done any digging. So, maximum value for SLI shareholders? Right.

5. The CEO of our company has lied to us on numerous occassions. This cannot be disputed as there is hard evidence in her presentations, including such things as telling shareholders that SLI is in touch with Quantec Geophysics on an ongoing basis...funny how Quantec hasn't had anything to do with SLI since providing their recommendations after the Titan 24.

6. Since the drill program was suspended as at May 31, 2012, we have heard next to nothing of the company's plan to move forward with exploration on the property. We were advised that the original 20,000m drill program was "prepaid", yet after drilling 12,000+ meters, we have ceased to drill while awating a revised plan. We apparently now have a plan, but the CEO claims that we don't have the money to proceed with it. What happened to the prepaid drilling? Hmmm...

7. New plan for the Tesoro (which we have no money to execute)...odd how it never appeared until she was challanged by her shareholders. NOW she wants to update us??

8. Tons of info revised/removed on the website...where's the old corporate presentaion? Where's IR person Dan's Q&A page? Hmmmm....more transparency and accountability...we just can't seem to get enough of that stuff!

9. The AGM...well here we are. The CEO of the company (who is also in the middle of the WHITE/GREEN proxy battle), chairs the meeting and rejects the Green Proxy of her own accord. This was not a legal decision...this was the decision of one woman sitting in a completely biased position at the AGM, knowing full well that in order for the dissedents to have her arrogant decision overturned, we would have to put forward a legal challenge.

That brings us to date where the Green Team, led by the Hastmans, have spearheaded that challenge on OUR behalf!. They are heavily invested in this company (unlike current management) and want to see their investment succeed. They have put up their time and money on our behalf and are now imploring that we do the same in whatever capacity we are able, to assist OUR cause.

$10, $20, $50, $1000...every cent helps the fight for YOUR investment and goes directly to the legal fund to battle against St. Elias rightfully claim the BOD seats and fill them with accountable and active directors, as well as honest transparent management.

Lori has improved shareholder value by taking your investment from over $2.00 to a whopping $.10! That's the kind of irresponsible management we are faced with.

Get the fire in your bellies, folks! Lori McClenahan and company must go and we ALL need your help! It's OUR investment...let's fight for it and get this done!!



Have at it Stockhouse! LOL

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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