St. Elias Mines

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Re: SLI News
over 11 years ago
in response to CDNbigfoot's message
CND I agree with you but it really doesn't matter. The majority of the shares of SLI are in our hands. We all know this is just more garbage from a lame looser. Therefore if we all hold our hands as we have through thick and thin we see little effect. Lori tried many times to create panic selling and failed. We are onto the bullshit and it just doesn't work any more. It is good to hear the IGD option is done. Saves us the trouble of cancelling it as soon as we kick her ass out. Don't worry about the trouble with the people at CB, with the proper management to work with these concerned citizens in an honest and respectful way, things will change in a hurry. These people just want there voice to be heard. Our new leaders will be experts in that area. Lori you need to do one thing with honour before you go to jail. Admit you lost the election to the BOD and move on. You will loose a lot more when you are taken out in handcuffs. Oh I almost forgot, be careful about the Company money you squander because you are going to pay back every nickel since Dec 27th and you will be wide open to civil litigation from every shareholder. Our day in court is just around the corner. Lori get out of our office, you are trespassing and the cops are coming! Run Lori run, change your name, dye your hair, get a fricking make over, whiten your teeth. If they catch you you are going up the river.
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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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