St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
Re: Agoracom
over 11 years ago
in response to dazza8's message

Hey Dazza & BB;

What good will it be to get back to work when your shares are worth 2 cents cuz she dilluted the shares so bad ---or even worse ---optioned off all the properties and then let the lease expire for back taxes like she did with Carmi ?? After all she does have an established Pattern to follow.

Just for kicks--Lets draw a scenario she would be happy with.

1. She convinces us to allow two board members IF we back off on the green proxy win.

2. She then has control of the BOD and ignores them like she ignored Murry. Pattern again.

3. She then outvotes them cuz she has the control of the other board puppets.

4. She passes a vote to allow a dilluton and rollback buying all the pp herself or her puppets

5. With control she sells the flagship properties to her other self contolled companies for Net Smelter Returns of 1.5% and 1 share in the new company for every 100,000 SLI shares.

6. Gets swayed by the "Fat Girls Club" or the "Gamblers Annonymous Club" to Sponsor them for $3 Million a pop, cuz she looks like a heroine to them.

The list can go on and on and on---but what for---its the same old ---same old --cuz really-- she can do what ever she wants with our money when she owns the majority of the shares. One more term is all she needs--even a fool can see that.

The first time we trusted her and got screwed over its---damn Lori ----NOT a good lesson-but

The second time we trust her and get screwed over---its damn us.

Don't think thats too likely----soooooo----give it up and go by the way of the boys with the Big Red Sign---you'll feel more at home over there.

I'd rather lose it all than give her the satisfaction of saying she got me twice. Let the dice roll and the chips fall where they may, but right now we are in control of our own destiny and I for one prefer to keep it that way. All in Favor raise your hand.

Wow---its 99.9% for the Green Side---Guess Lori and her crew do have a few votes on their side. LOL LOL

all in my humble opinion


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