St. Elias Mines

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Re: News
over 11 years ago
in response to SLI's message

A tangent??? Surely you jest!

What possible direction do we have from current management other than their intent to dilute our share value and fill the treasury with more money for their uncontrolled spending habits?

Lori doesn't have a plan, and hasn't moved "forward" with this company for a long time now. The first step in moving forward is to have her removed. This is not a witch hunt, it's taking control of the company and acting in the best interests of it's shareholders as they voted for!

The Green Team cannot formulate a plan without first knowing exactly what state this company is in and examining all of information we have on ALL of our properties. Lori has shown no transparency or accountability to the shareholders, except when it serves her better good. She has failed miserably in her fiduciary responsibilities and , yes, enough is enough.

The proper and necessary steps are being taken by the Green Team to see that the collective will of the shareholders is rightfully upheld. But if you believe that the mindset behind 91% of the votes cast during this proxy battle stems from a "witch hunt" and not common sense with best intentions for this company, then you are seriously in the minority SLI.

With Lori McClenehan and company at the helm, their will be no moving forward in the best interests of MY investment. IMO

Also frustrated, but knowing that change is necessary!

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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