St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

It appears that a handful of posters on Stockhouse are aggressively pointing fingers and accusing certain people of over promoting and giving bad advise. I have been following them on and off for the past week or so and I feel I need to clarify a few things.

First of all, let's look at the heading at the top of this page:

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

When I discovered this site and started following it, I was well aware that the posts made here were the opinion of the author. Any statement made, or figures that were calculated, were only made by information given via news releases or data from the company themselves. I could look at the post and either say "That makes sense" or discard it because it wasn't relevant. That is why you'll see at the bottom of the majority of posts "IMO". "In My Opinion" means just is the authors opinion.

I took the time this weekend to go over the February 3rd, 2012 Conference Call, mainly because I have an uneasy feeling as to whom some of the SH posters may be affiliated with (IMO). Most of us are well aware of what was said in the CC, but I just wanted to refresh my memory, as it has been awhile since I've listened to it.

“No body even admits to reading tabloids or the message boards, I don’t listen to those message boards”

Then at the 3:30 mark:

And if you believe everything in the tabloids or message boards you should run and get a blood test or like a V-8 head bop (I'm not too sure what that means?)

So I guess what she's saying is that if no one admits to reading the boards, we really don't know who follows them, right Lori? I find it very interesting that someone who is so adamantly opposed to online posting, has invested in a Social Media Network?


6:00 minute mark:

Nothing has changed with the company or the Tesoro property, except we have more information. The potential of the Tesoro property has not diminished in any way whatsoever.

So in February of last year, if nothing had changed with the property, what had changed with Agoracom? The people on this site still believed in the property, still believed in management, and still made posts 'in their opinions'.

At what point prior to the conference call did she become so negative towards this forum? Was it the questions being asked, was it the demands for more transparency? Wasn’t there a link on the SLI homepage to this site? When exactly was that link removed? Hmmm?

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