St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
Re: How?
over 11 years ago
in response to digidude101's message

Hey Folks;

We all knew this was not going to be a smooth ride to the finish line when we discovered that the Captain of our ship was actually the "Leader of the Mutineers". Soooo- lets all gather the intestinal fortitude we have all displayed to this point, and God Willing and the Creeks Don't Rise, it will all come out in the wash.

Sorry for trying to be positive, but in actuality, ---I'm not.--- I am trying to be realistic. The WORLD is full of Bernie Madoffs, Martha Stewarts, etc., and I am sure that people like that were created to give Lawyers employment, but in the final outcome---justice is majorily served---abeit--- not always as soon as we may want it. THIS COULD BE ONE OF THOSE CASES.

In my opinion, Lori has already slept with the devil, and he is here to collect his dues, so she is going to either deliver what she promised, or take the consequences of a failed contract-- whatever that may be.. Hope it was good for you Lori.

On the positive side, and I know this is ''TUFF ADVICE'' but----"IF" you thought SLI was a worthwhile investment at $2 dollars---cuz you did your DD--RIGHT--Then 11 cents is a bargain. Dollar cost average down. And even better than that is ---???? cents per share--. How low can you go. When shares were $2 plus, I was wondering why I did'nt buy more @ 10 cents and dump half at $1 dollar..hindsite---NOT.

She wants you to bail out now, that way you pay for her multi billion dollar company, and she gets it for FREE. Like I've said before---she isn't stupid---just naieve.

Ducks are still loud and clear---just dodging the steer dung she is thowing at us. Stay strong and long---no matter how long you've been here.


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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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