St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to jon_doe's message

Crazy Stuff!

I have not gone anywhere but have been lurking in the background. However, today I am anxiously awaiting the reults of this AGM. It is an under-statment to say this is a "TSN Turning Point" moment for SLI.

What a year it was in 2012 - WOW. Not many would have predicted this for the past 12 months. It was December last year when we were all awaiting the 1st round of drill results. It was a total debacle from there til now.

Lori, you sure are a piece of work lady! Anyone that has seen you in person can atest to this. All the specific examples have all been discussed here on all other chat forums and audio recordings through shareholder meetings, etc..,etc,, and directly mis-aligned with the actual NR's content and public statements you have made. I have never seen anything like this before and hopefully never will again. I truly hope you are held accountible for your actions and sub-standard leadership of this company. You always blame someone else (specifically the shareholders???) and you now hopefully will get what you deserve. I can hardly wait to see your next Fox interview - now!!

I am a Stamps fan (Iknow , i know...) but I have never been so happy to see a Green win on the proxy voting... Here's hoping we can turn the SS St. Elias around to calm'er and more exciting waters in the future. Everyone hasdone well to continue to believe in what we have been told about the Tesoro prpoerty alone, it has been nothing but negative results and news with no detailed explaination or follow through on re-sample statements, etc... Still waiting for yet more surprises somewhere, maybe that will go away when we change our leadership. Hopefully our next surprise will be positive.

Cheers and Best of luck folks!!

Of course this is just IMO

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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