St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
Good Grief, Lori!
almost 12 years ago

"St. Elias also continues to believe that a circular issued by dissidents Gilby Len Hastman and Darcy Kim Hastman is deficient and that the dissident nominees lack relevant experience. The dissidents still have not provided any details of how they intend to advance St. Elias' portfolio of high potential properties, nor have they proposed a management team to operate St. Elias. Not one of the remaining dissidents has experience in mineral exploration or corporate finance, and not one has previously served as a director of any publicly-traded company."

Lack releveant experience?? - How the hell would you know? When you pull your head out of your butt and wipe the crap out of your eyes, you will see just how relevant their experience is.

As far as their intentions to advance SLI - a donkey could have done a better job than you have! Lets see...$2.80+ share price and you took it all the way down to .09 cents? and you spent some 1mil on travel expenses???? Where did you go??? Dubai for a few months ffs.

Oh and Tina has such in depth knowledge and mining experience??? Frick lets pull out her resume and have a gander at that.

And I fail to see how the current BOD has been involved far no evidence to prove they aren't just sucking oxygen in the chairs they sit in. Well you HAD one, Murry...and look what you did to him when you didn't like honesty and integrity sitting there staring you in the face...what? made you feel too guilty?? although guilt would imply you had a conscience. you?

Thank God we have an option to what you have presented. I'd rather vote for people that came by their money honestly. Looking forward to the change and embrace it 100%!!!!

all IMHO!!!

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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