St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Edmonton44's message

It has been nearly 3 years that I have invested (gambled) in this stock and have sunk a lot of money into it, a life changing lot. I have read most posts here and posted for nearly 2 years. I was at the last AGM and met many other investors and management, including Lori. Murry was the first contact and I have been in contact with him now and then since.

So I'm not new in this whole unpleasant business. I'm certainly not happy with the way management and specifically Lori has reduced this company to nearly nothing, and is attempting to whittle it down even more with optioning properties, amending agreements, and new extra ordinary, huge PPs. Her constant disrespect for the shareholders and ambiguous statements made me believe that it is best to remove her and her team from the company.

However, now that there is the new potential team, that has already a member who has a tarnished past and some of the others show no history in search engines (as far as I could determine), I really don't know how suitable they are to basically start this company's life up again. Have they ever been on a board of directors, how familiar are they with exchange rules and regs., creating and/or keeping within company and business community bylaws, dealing with foreign governments and their rules an regulations, etc., etc.

For all I know the new team may be very hard working and capable people in what they are doing, but how do I know they don't do a PP of 100 million within no time, or syphon off options to newly created companies, or spend a few million dollars travelling to get familiar with the properties, suppliers, drillers, subsidiaries and potential investors and do new dog and pony shows, etc.

Of course a lot of help can and must be hired for this ship to float again and the new team would be able to get outside contractors to provide the necessary expertise, but it will take a lot of time and money and know-how to make the right selections.

So, with all this in mind, will the new team be the better solution? I wish that I could be convinced. I can see that my shares will be worth even less in no time, with Lori on the helm, but what are they worth in 6 months or a year with the new Management in place?

The opinion of many posters and hub leaders on this board have turned 180 degrees over the past year. Those who rejected, ridiculed and banned the opinion or questions of posters have come around and are now having the same or similar doubts, but still act as if they know it all.

At this point I really don't know which way I'm going to vote and how to recommend to my family members, which way to vote.

I realize that there is a good chance that this post will be removed, but if it is, I know which way I will vote.

This is in my opinion, like it or hate it.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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