St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
Re: Wake up!
almost 12 years ago
in response to sculpin's message

Sculpin, I wish your theory would hold water, but I have seen so many "high potentials" and "world class" coming from Lori and her news releases, that it is not something that impresses me anymore. I take anything that I hear from this management with a grain of salt. These are the type of statements that are meant to be interpreted in a positive way, but in fact they say nothing concrete. What is "world class expertise", or "high potential"? It all depends from where you look at it. Its Relative.

I know that you want to be positive about things, and that is what we need, but believing these positive intrepretations ongoing are what brought us to this point in this investment, just like it was with Bre-X. I'm not saying that our properties don't hold any gold and that there is no potential to get this investment back on it's feet, but until I see the insiders, or those who may be future insiders (like world class experts) buy shares, not just get options and warrants for nothing, but put up some money, that will bring up the share price, then I may believe that there is a lot more to the future of this company, than just a hope and a prayer.

As I said, I hope you are correct, because I have believed in SLI and invested in it probably way too much and too long, and I'll hang in until it has become what I hoped for, or it's down and out.

Btw, sculp, this is not to put you down, but to show that one can look at it a different way too. You are doing an awsome amount of work on this and without people like you, a lot of us would know a lot less than we do now. Thank you for it.


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