St. Elias Mines

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Re: t24tesoro
over 12 years ago


I think you are missing the point of why people are concerned.

You suggest what has been said is an fact the new poster has made a very strong statement regarding Quantecs imagery beyond simply opinion.

The poster suggests that the Quantec imagery is effectively a ghost...technically speaking a an artefact.

Now that in itself would be an opinion if it were to come from someone like myself...however the poster states that he or she not only worked for Quantec but also specifically work related to the Tesoro. This I would suggest brings it beyond a simple opinion to that of someone who has expert insider knowledge of Quantec's business practices and moreso as it relates specifically to the Tesoro property.

This calls into question a number of things:

Professional credibility - If you are a credible expert on the subject and it was appropriate to divulge this information in this forum certainly you would have no problem attaching your name, title and credentials when at Quantec to ensure trasparency of any claims of expertise.

Professional Confidentiality - Surely Quantec employees present and former have signed strict confidentiality agreements with it's clients so that release of information is controlled by the publicly traded entity in accordance to SEC regulations as opposed to leaks to trader forums which could artificially affect trading.

Professional Courtesy - As a former employee...certainly it is at best bad form to cast doubt on your former employees very significant worst it would likely be a severe violation of any confidentiality agreement/NDA standard in any corporate employment contract and certainly within a company privy to knowledge affecting billions of dollars worth of industry.

Market Manipulation - I would suggest that someone with specific knowledge of a project like the Tesoro (the flagship and arguably the most significant asset of SLI) divulging information that even suggests that the Quantec signatures are in fact nothing more than an artefact would certainly not be looked kindly on by the SEC due to the potentially massive affect it may have on the market...Presumably if the signature was only an artefact and was clear as day to a former employee...then it is likely equally as clear if not moreso to the current geo's at Quantec and that information would be then eventually be released to the public in a formal NR adhering to SEC protocol.


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