St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Tomandjerry's message
I have been out of country and only today was I able to listen to the entire audio of Lori's presentation. I did listen today to every word and it made me very comfortable with my investment. I agree with the majority that Lori is not good at dealing with confrontation and gets frustrated. When her claws come out you may want to step back and protect your private parts with your hat. However if people would just listen to the words she is trying to say there is good information. Remember folks, There are things she can't say without risk of violating security regulations but if you listen to her words she is trying to tell you something. Example " We could go mine and make money but we are not here for that, we are looking for the source" IMO Lori already thinks we have a mineable property she also thinks it is much more. They just have to find the source. I think we all got caught up in the moment and thought it was as easy as drilling a hole into a huge area and coming up with crazy amounts of gold. Lori made it clear that it's not that easy. If it was that easy and the first 11 holes were as we seen, the game would be over, drills would be gone home and we would all have a great capital loss for this years tax return. That is not the case however, our team is not discouraged with the first holes they are using the information to " fine tune, fine tune, fine tune". You can say what you want about Lori's public speaking ability but don't doubt her ability to operate this company and find the source of gold on our property. She has the best science, geologists, drills and a bull dog attitude. My money says she will find the source before she quits. I would sooner fight with her than against her.
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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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