St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Hi folks,

I regretfully was unable to attend this meeting. It was very difficult waiting to hear what our leader was going to communicate to us. We have all being waiting for a bone and was this the time? Was it going to be "NOW"?

I have listened to all the feedback from those in attendance at the meeting and was very frustrated with the results of what I was hearing. The more I heard from posters the more I was getting angry at Lori and SLI period, with nothing more to offer us - once again!! I want to also thank the posters for their feedback. However, it has become clear to me, that there is risk in intruptation from others as everyone has various levels of investment, trust, patience, expectations and understanding of the company details. With many the only measurement is the sp and that is difficukt to argue with.

I have since had the opportunity to listen to the meeting twice now. I will offer a few general comments on what I heard when I listened carefully. Take it for what it is worth - but many shareholders only read than make their judgements.

  • I will start by saying I was pleasantly surpised with the main content of the presentation details. There are numerous indicators that suggests all is well - in progress. We have only just begun this journey and I for one have just realized this in the past while. We have a gold play here and we will see the development of this continue and one day we will hit pay dirt. Perhaps the progress rate it is happening at, is a different speed than we would like to see and maybe have expecatations about (perhaps even been told a time or two - "anyday now".
  • There was much repetitive discussion and presentation content on what I already have heard in past NR's and presentations, but I also heard a lot more in her talk to discuss a later time. Some exciting little tidbits - alot to absorb.
  • I became a little dissappointed with myself and my hasty demeaner towards Lori and SLI as an existing shareholder. I felt that they were successful at teasing me again before actual hearing the details that I am expecting to hear. I will not measure Lori's competency as our CEO and my investment value today but over time. Lori firecracker posture is not all bad for us either at times.
  • I will caveat that be also saying Lori did not do well during certain periods when the questions were verydirect or even appeared attacking. I believe the person was looking for hidden information or adimittance/avoidance of her possible knowledge of more than she is telling us. Otherwise she did better than I had visioned from the feedback that was delivered from posters in general. Lori has difficulty and immediately goes on the defensive during these specific Q&A periods. Aside from a few significant speed wobbles on the defensive side she settled down quite well (IMO)

I believe our all our emotions surface because our expectations have been very high and our sp has seen substantial appreciation as a result (prior to Jan 2012). We have been expecting more results than we have recieved to date and it is bothersome to say the least. We have become our own worst enemies at times, myself included. These are just my own thoughts and obvisouly much different than many others. I for one am willing to accept what I heard from this meeting and am still very confident that we will be successful in the end.

A few of the details and quotes from Lori at the meeting "We are not narrow vien miners, we wanted to be different and look for the source of the viens", "We know we have gold on the property this is fact - read past NR's", "We are fortunate to have surface and underground plays - they just need to identified and fine tuned", "We have not yet found the source, but we will continue looking and continuosly fine tuning our next move", "there is something showing us these strong geophical results", "Pull up the right results from a shallow or deep hole and the majors will be all over us", "It could be the next hole or in the next 20",

Sorry about the long winded message but there is so much to discuss still and the emotions, expectations and potential surrounding this little company it truely will be life altering, so my opinion is to hang in there. The end sp is the one I am most looking for to make final judgement. Until then we can only wait for that day on this emotional rollercoaster of SLI.

Go Long.....

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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