St. Elias Mines

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News Release 2009-24

November 12, 2009



First Ever Bulk Sample Taken from C2 Vein

Returns Average Grade of 5.84 oz/t (182 g/t) Gold

Lori McClenahan, President of St. Elias Mines Ltd. (“St. Elias” or the “Company”), is pleased to

announce the first bulk sample ever taken from the C2 Vein at the Tesoro Gold Project (the

“Property”) located in southwestern Peru has returned an average grade of 5.84 oz/t gold.

Bulk Samples

The first bulk sample ever taken from the C2 Vein at Zona Canchete, weighing 4.1 tons, was

processed at the Dynacor Mill and was determined to have a grade of 5.84 oz/t gold. This grade

was precisely duplicated in a referee sample submitted to ALS Chemex Labs in Lima, Peru.

The C2 Vein has been traced on surface for a strike length of about 200 meters. It trends northnorthwest and dips steeply (75°) to the east. Based on 31 channel samples previously collected

from shallow pits, the vein is 5.0 to 30.0 cm wide (average 12 cm) with assays ranging from 0.03

to 2.60 oz/t gold (average 0.43 oz/t gold). The bulk sample, taken from an adit driven into the

northern end of the vein, is substantially higher grade than would have been predicted from the

near-surface sampling results.

The C2 Vein appears to be similar to the A4 Vein in Zona Central (some 700 meters to the

south) in that the strikes and dips are the same, and the veins are characterized by moderategrade material punctuated by high-grade "bonanza" shoots that seldom are evident based on

assays from shallow pits. This is quite distinct from the east-trending veins at Zona Canchete

(C1, C3, and C4), which are sub-vertical structures with consistent and higher-grade gold assays

(typically 1.0 oz/t), but lacking high-grade "bonanza" shoots.

To date, a total of 1,085 tons of bulk sample material averaging 0.88 oz/t gold has been extracted

from ongoing underground exploration development at the Tesoro Property including:

 643 tons averaging 0.77 oz/t gold from the A4 Vein;

 438 tons averaging 1.01 oz/t gold from the C1 Vein; and

 4.1 tons averaging 5.84 oz/t gold from the C2 Vein. Page 2


News Release 2009-24 (November 12, 2009)

The Tesoro Project

The Tesoro Gold Project is 100% owned by the Company with no underlying royalties. The

Property covers 2,000 hectares (5,000 acres) and is part of the well-known gold-bearing NazcaOcoña belt that is located in southern Peru. The continuity of the quartz veins is impressive in

the Nazca-Ocoña belt. While the veins tend to be narrow, the gold grade is significant and the

mineralized structures tend to extend along strike for kilometres and to depths of up to 1,000


To date, the Company has identified five mineralized zones with more than 50 quartz veins

(having a total combined length of 9 km) at the Tesoro Project. The veins are mesothermal,

indicating that the vein structures may extend to considerable depths.

The Tesoro Property has never been evaluated to depth, or to its full strike potential. This leaves

a large potential for the discovery of additional mineralization.

Qualified Person

All technical work is being supervised by, and the contents of this news release have been

verified by, John Brophy, P.Geo., a Canadian geologist residing in Peru, who is a “qualified

person” as defined in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

For additional information on St. Elias and its projects, please visit us at

or call 1-888-895-5522 (toll free US and Canada).


(signed “Lori McClenahan”)

Lori McClenahan,


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