St. Elias Mines

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in response to gumby1116's message

Thanks for the audio, gumby!

The most valuable and important segment of the Conference Call, discussing the location of the drill holes reported in recent news releases (11:40-13:29), is transcribed below:

11:40 And the other thing is, where were the drill holes drilled?

11:45 The holes were drilled in various parts of the main anomoly, and

11:50 And a couple were drilled in the main central corridor (garbled: a few more from?) A4

11:55 and these were initial drill holes

12:00 drill holes (garbled: targets that went into targets) went into

12:05 geophysical targets outlines by quantec.

12:10 Not any specific ones, not the top 11.

12:10 These were all done for information purposes

12:15 so that we could just set more drill holes in with a more

12:20 fine tuned location...

12:22-13:15 ---------- (53 seconds of silence, noises) -------------

13:15 ...that information and take that into consideration,

13:20 but just please get the information from reliable sources.

53 seconds of the most valuable information given by Lori -- the details about where the drill holes may have been located -- was missed! I had hoped it was just my connection, but unfortunately, gumby1116's recording was identical to what I heard.

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