St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to sculpin's message


I'm not sure JW was suggesting that management should tell shareholders that there is great amounts of gold. However, I do not think it is too much to ask for the KNOWN facts to be presented concisely, professionally, and grammatically correct.

Consider that when the first NR came out...many were quick to appropriately point out that the results were incomplete and that we weren't even sure where the drills punched the holes. I believe...and correct me if I'm wrong...that Bow (a respected longtime supported of SLI and one I respect very much as well) on more than one occasion after that first release expressed how he would like to see the locations of the drills as the interpretation of the results hinged greatly on that very fact.

What we received in response to the initial NR (which virtually all agreed was less than complete) was the following statement regarding location of drills (arguably THE most important omission from the first NR)..."primarily surrounding and within the large "ovoid""... I realize I brought it up before, but this is not only a vague statement...but grammatically nonsensical. Which of course resulted in a parade of shareholders (including myself) calling Murry, Jeff and others to simply try to find out what was so incompetently omitted from the first NR and more egregiously from the second "clarification" NR....

Where on the property were the results ACTUALLY from?

To date we still only have the posts here at Agoracom from posters relaying unofficial phone conversations with various members of the company...while they are comforting...they are NOT official...and the simple fact that management thinks the dissemination of this kind of critical information through word of mouth to individual shareholders is cause for concern.

I would suggest that while it would be ridiculous to expect management to tell us that there is gold in them there hills and how much of it certainly without cold hard facts...It is equally as ridiculous to not expect management to present cold hard perimeter vs. within... in an official, concise, grammatically correct manner to protect share value and shareholder confidence.

Is this too much to ask? Am I wrong?


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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