St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I will start by saying that what I post is only my opinion and it can change overnight as neither I nor anyone else has a crystal ball. To be honest, I don`t think I would want a crystal ball as I am afraid that the political situation in the Middle East is gonna get a whole lot worse...

The first thing to keep in mind is that the world is at war, as we speak. It`s called a Resource War and at stake is the well being of over 6 billion people. The United States has been in control for a long time and now countries like China and India want their fair share too. India and China are also getting tired of being told by the US what they can and can not do. Personally, I can`t say that I blame them...

Secondly, the United States has been living off of the rest of the world by the simple fact that the US dollar is used for international trade. Start eliminating the US dollar from international trade and down goes it`s value. It`s as simple as that...

Finally, countries like Iran realize the dangers of the holding depreciating US dollars and want to be paid with something that has and will maintain value. Gold does the trick. Gold has now officially become a currency, a reserve currency, much like the US dollar. I am not surprised by the lack of coverage of this in the mainstream western media as they are being muzzled by the US...

Now a company like SLI that has gold and most of us think a heck of alot, has now become very valuable to everyone, not just the gold bugs. What I also think that most of us have missed on the SLI story is our location in Peru. Since it is outside of both Chinese and American spheres of control, both sides can and could be trying to grab it...


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Berwick, Nova Scotia
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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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