St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Icclearly's message

I have come to accept the fact that anything is possible when it comes to interpreting the "whys" and the "what ifs" when it comes to this company, and that includes the Quantec team and results.

For instance, one can easily look at the Quantec guy being sent down to the site as a very good sign as well. Or it simply may be nothing more than "proper protocol" and/or an effort to ensure that nothing is missed, particularly with this much on the line, and I sense that those are most likely the reasons. Lets face it .......with any good football team there is a group of coaches to "call the plays" and formations contributing significantly to their overall success, even though all of the players already know the playbook and the captains of the team are more than capable of calling plays on both offense and defense. And like any good orthopedic surgeon there is an expert who represents the company that makes the prosthetic knees and hips who is present in the operating room while the surgeon does the actual joint replacement operation, for each person's expertise COMPLEMENTS and STRENGTHENS the expertise and success of the other. Also with any road project there is a manager to ensure that everything is done right even though the team already understands the laid out plans. BUT new discoveries and/or compounding variables never cease to crop up during any major project, and as such the third parties expertise is valuable to have on board. With Quantec having a lot on the line I sense that they want to be down there to optimize the odds for success as much as anyone else. No matter what the field results are from drilling and trenching. Perhaps Quantec itself insisted on having somebody down there themselves!!! In reality we just don't know, and all we can do is speculate. And anyone can speculate in either direction!!

Personally I am most eager to see the trenching results. (I understand that they are better than expected. Furthermore Lori seemed quite excited about some new faults recently discovered.) I truly sense that the drill results did no justice whatsoever for the potential of this property. The known bulk vein samples were much higher in gold content than the veins that the drillbit encountered, which makes me wonder if the small 2 inch drillbit misses a significant amount of the "nugget effect", which was brought up in the release. The disparity is just too great in my opinion to be just coincidental. In the least there is a reason why Lori's results stated that they are not representative of the entire property.

Like others have hinted before, with the new directors hired Lori is not assembling a team to stand around and give orders to each other and/or to butt heads against each other, but rather to maximize success as her projects proceed forward. Let it be know that such success always starts with people putting their experienced minds together and by working together. The market seemed to have recognized this development in SLI from the news release and their approval undoubtedly at least played a part in why SLI rose significantly on Friday.

Murry says that "Everything is fine". One either takes his word for it or not. But in the meantime base your decisions on your own opinions.


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