St. Elias Mines

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Re: Fort Knox
over 12 years ago
in response to Kherson's message

I agree ...there are too many novice "self proclaimed experts" trying to convince everyone that these results are horrible. True, they don't quite live up to some of the expectations for some or many, but in the big scheme of things they do confirm that there is a lot of gold to be found. They are a dam good start as far as I am concerned. But clearly there will not be any "get rich quick schemes" as there is a lot of work yet to be done ........longterm this play will only get better as the team of geologists hone in on where the gold is and perhaps even find its source. Still plenty of money to be made by investors with patience of a 1-2 year time horizon, JMHO, regardless of how volatile the ride proves to be.

Frankly it is the trenching results that ought to "turn some heads" in consideration of all of the rich bulk samples that we have already obtained in ADDITION to Lori's claim that we have already found an area of significant disseminated gold, along with another that is very promising. I'm sure we wouldn't be invited to China to dine in halls where only Presidents and worldly VIPs have gone before if we didn't have a significant amount of gold.

Don't lose the bigger picture fellow investors.


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