St. Elias Mines

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in response to dilengoose's message

I wholeheartedly concur Dilengoose. These tours are indeed starting to look more and more like nice, relaxing "get away" vacations at our shareholder expense. (In all fairness I exclude the China trip.) How beneficial can these tours be if they don't even have any results to show to their audiences???????????? Like many have said before, when you have some good drill and/or trenching results the world will already be your audience!! ........the tours will automatically COME TO YOU!! Show the world some results and let the results do the talking. Plain and simple.

SLI has a lot going for her: Tesoro, Vilcoro, Cueva, etc. Hence I'm not going anywhere. We know SLI has the gold. Just how much is the question. But for the life of me I can't figure out why after two years since the Quantec results came out I STILL REMAIN in THE DARK on just how well these signals correlate with existing gold ....and still without a true (solid) sense of whether the drills and trenching at Tesoro are getting great results or just fair results. Talk about extremely S.......................L.......................O..........................W progress!! I truly sense great results will arrive in the future (due to all of the circumstantial supporting evidence) ...provided I don't die of old age first ..............but ultimately until I can actually see them in black and white I can only dream them in red, blue, and yellow.

So meanwhile I continue on indefinitely with this intense roller coaster ride .........plenty of wild loops, turns, blind tunnels, and hair raising 180 degree turns........... who needs theme parks when you own SLI?

Bottom Line: Our wait could be a lot less unpleasant if we just had a "hint" of how things are coming along. Why must the shareholders be so much in the dark all of the time?


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