St. Elias Mines

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Mining Equipment
almost 13 years ago

Hello Fellow Investors;

Just thought I would try to cheer up our investor group by giving a little insite as to the size of equipment used in mining and as to how it relates to tonnage.

When I mined at Brenda Mines in the Okanagan in the mid 70's ( now Im aging myself )we had ore trucks that would haul 100 tons of ore at a time---and I thought that was "Big". Not saying 100 tons is not big cuz a normal gravel truck hauls only 11 to 12 tons.

I was just on Caterpillars web site and discovered they now have "400 ton trucks". I wish I knew better how to cut and paste but if you google Cat 797B you will be able to see the size of this baby. A car looks really small beside it, and whats even more impressive are the shovels that load them.

Anywhere from 4 to 7 buckets ( 5 to 7 minutes ) and they are on their way to the crushers to dump. We had 15 of these trucks hauling 24 hour per day other than at shift change. The amount of trips these units would make in an hour was anywhere from 4 to six trips.

Soooo --- lets see if I can do some "Bow Math" without screwing it up.

400 tons times 1 gram per ton = 400 grams per load.

4 loads per hour x 10 trucks ( 5 were generally being fixed )= 40 loads per hour

40 loads per hour x 400 grams = 16000 grams per hour

16000 grams divided by 29 grams per ounce = 551 ounces per hour

551 ounces x $1700 per ounce =$936,700 per hour x 24 hours per day =$22,480,800.

Not bad for a days work eh?? Maybe we should take our windfall from SLI and invest it in Barrick Gold. Not really hard to see why Barrick is so successful and grosses over 10 Billion per year. Big problem is they have 998 million shares outstanding.

Just imagine where they would go with 1 oz ( 29 grams)per tonne.

Anyway hope this helps get some minds off of SP and onto why someone may well afford to buy us out in a big way. The bucks are there as long as the ore is---and, with the DD our Hub Leaders have so dilligently supplied---we really believe that we have that one in the bag. Chin up all ---won't be long now.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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